New House

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Don't play song til I say loves❤️

You all head to the twins house to grab there stuff and leave and you had an amazing idea

Y/n- y'all down to move in with us and get a new house?

Briella- Omg yes!

Prisha- I am down

Grayson- Yes we have a spare house on the other end in LA by the beaches we can move into

Ethan- We will move tmrw

Tom- Can I move in y'all can't leave me out

Ethan- of course dad

You and Briella get excited Prisha starts playing love music in the car you and Grayson in the very back and Ethan and Briella in the middle with Tom driving and prisha up front 

* play song now

Gray pulls you into his side and then the lyrics start playing and he leans you up and you look at him

Grayson- you gave me a shelter when I needed it
you should me a love when I wasn't feeling it
*continues on singing to you*

You smile real big looking at him in his eyes and when the song ends you act like you fell asleep a little later on his shoulder because it was a good drive home he whispered to you

Grayson- I really hope you can't hear me right now y/n I haven't felt this way about no one ever.... I am so happy I was there to save you when I could I love you I don't care if it's to earlier I love you and I can't wait to call you mine one day

he kissed your cheek and laid his head on your shoulder what he doesn't know you hear all of it and smiled really big

"you saved me" a grayson dolan story💘 [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now