Triple date?

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you all finish breakfast and see Ethan constantly smiling at his phone you just laugh and get Graysons attention to look at him. He shoved Ethan a little and he didn't notice and we all bursted out laughing

Y/n- Hows Emma Ethan since your texting her

Ethan- Um great, how did you know I was texting her!

Prisha- wild guess

Tom- Why don't you invite her on a triple date to get to know everyone?

Grayson- Down like when was the last time we did that

Y/n- I remember

Prisha- ugh

Ethan frowned and walked away

Y/n- Wait Ethan, just text Emma and ask her if she wants to go hanging around the city with everyone?

Tom- Yeah you should

Ethan- Okay

*10 minutes later*

Ethan runs super fast down the stairs, that it startled Prisha and she fell


Prisha- Sorry repeat that one more time because I DIDN'T HAVE MY DAMN HEARING AIDS ON

Ethan- Sorry.....

Prisha- Its fine😂

Y/n- When we doing it?

Ethan- Shes free tonight and said she could meet up her around 7:00

Grayson- Perfect its 3:00

Tom: Yay city date for the girls

All the boys girl squeal*

Prisha- Y'all are okay, but its okay we love y'all

Y/n - Im going to shower

Prisha- Same

Grayson- Can I join *he smirks


Y/n- If you can catch me

You ran as fast you can to the bathroom door and locked it just in the nic of time

Grayson- damn

Y/n- looks like you gonna have to wait

Grayson- oh really

*Grayson unlocks the door with a pick*

Y/n- shit

Grayson grabs you a kisses you very passionately then lets go and places his forehead on yours

Grayson- Imma let you shower but we are going to have an ourself day soon, either we go do something or we cuddle all day

Y/n- I would like that

You gave him one more kiss then he leaves the bathroom as you get in the shower you remember how you and Grayson met and a couple of tears stream down your face thinking how you got so luck

"you saved me" a grayson dolan story💘 [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now