cheater and backstabber

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You all started to travel around disney land then grayson got a snapchat from ethan

grayson froze and said for me to check my instagram, me and prisha both..... it showed briella kissing up on another dude and a video of her talking trash on all of us.......

prisha- that mother-

y/n- i..... she was my best friend

prisha- everyone back to the house now, gray where is ethan at

Grayson- in an uber heading home

Tom- lets go before briella does

In car*

Grayson- I thought she actually loved him, and to think he was so happy

Y/n- how could she to yall, ethan, and me and prisha

Prisha- she wont be allowed back and thats final

Grayson- we will make a video saying what happened

Tom- its best not to gray, it could cause so much more drama just like it did when Meredith made a video

Y/n- he has a point babe, best thing for now is too comfort ethan and keep briella out

Prisha- I swear to god imma fight a bitch with my flip flop

Y/n- tom keep prisha locked in her room please and thank you

Prisha- whyyyy

Tom- prisha straight to our room when we get there

Prisha- you dont control me

Tom- i will literally burn all your why dont we merch

Prisha- fine only because corbyn is mine 🙂

Arrives home*

You all bust in the house to see no briella and run upstairs to find ethan lying in bed crying

Grayson- E, bud no😕

Ethan- she cheated, used me, left me, hurt me, why?

Y/n- This isnt like her.... wheres her stuff

Ethan- she came and got it and laughed in my face when she did

Prisha- that mother

Tom covers prishas mouth and brings her into there room and locks the door*

Y/n- yea know prisha take a bubble bath and calm down maybe watch on the block why your at it

Prisha- good idea see y'all tomorrow

Grayson- goodnight you evil bitch

Prisha laughs and you hear her footsteps disappear as she walks away

Ethan- why?

Y/n- cant tell you ethan i wanna know too

You walk over and hug ethan*

Grayson and tom join*

Tom- imma go to bed now see y'all tomorrow imma just post mate some food

Grayson- sounds good lets go Y/n

Ethan- goodnight guys

Y/n- goodnight E

Grayson- aww goodnight buddy *scratches ethans head playfully

Tom- goodnight lil boy🤣

and like that everyone went to bed worried for ethan

"you saved me" a grayson dolan story💘 [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now