Dont leave me

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You all decided to go to the boardwalk today because you didn't know what else to do! You have never been but everyone else has.

Grayson- I gotcha babygirl I will be your tour guide

You and Briella start giggling

Tom- A real friendly tour guide

Everyone busts out laughing and you got up and walked over where Grayson was sitting which was beside Ethan

Y/n- boysssss

Ethan- yes ma'm

They are both looking at you

Y/n- do y'all know a good photographer around here?

Grayson- There's Bryant he is amazing

Tom- omg I know him too he is crazy good

Y/n- I wanna get a photo with everyone just for us not instagram or anything just us

Briella- awww that sounds adorable

Prisha- nah y'all that be dope

Tom- oh my

Tom starts laughing at prisha for how much she is different from me and Briella

Ethan- I am finna put a label across your head that says boy!

Prisha- Put a label on my head and I will shove it down your throat

Briella jumps up and runs again to try and protect Ethan even though they were just joking of course

Briella- no no no

Ethan- save me shorty (what he calls Briella)

You are the smallest than Briella and prisha the tallest

Tom- we should go get ready

Y/n- of course

You went to Grayson bathroom and got on the counter to start doing your hair and started playing music. Grayson came in a bit after and saw you singing the diss track they made when they were little you didn't know he was there

Grayson- "at least I am not the twin with the crimson chin"

You freaked out and screamed

Grayson- shhhhh it's just me

Y/n- you scared me knock next time

You two started laughing and Grayson grabbed your brush and started brushing your hair for you

Grayson- how long have you known about us

Y/n- since vine, I love the diss track I love every time and as you see I sing along

Ethan- did I hear our diss track playing early?

You giggled and said crimson chin Ethan ran and grabbed you and threw you on the bed and started tickling you you started laughing really hard until he finally stopped

Ethan- jimmy neutron hair he said and ran

Prisha and Briella came running in with Tom

Prisha- what happened

Y/n- Briella you boyfriend has a crimson chin

Tom- I knew I heard the diss track playing

Briella- oh my

Y/n- what?

You see Grayson irritated at the bathroom door and he walks in the bathroom

Tom- lets go girls

They left and you went back in the bathroom

Y/n- Gray?

He doesn't respond


He looks at you

Y/n- why are you crying

Grayson- it's not important

Y/n- yes it is why?

Grayson- fine if you must know my old girlfriend cheated on me with my own brother and when I saw you laughing with him and he picked you up it got to me I don't want you to leave me I just got you

Y/n- aww baby that won't ever happen this ring is on my finger for a reason

Grayson hugged you and kissed your forehead he picked you up and placed you on the counter and finished brushing you hair. You put it up in a pony tail and was ready to leave it was 5 and you all got in toms car and left

"you saved me" a grayson dolan story💘 [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now