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You woke up feeling empty, then it hit you grayson wasn't in bed. You started to wonder where he was and got up to go find him. You then saw a note taped to the door with a rose at the bottom of the door

The note said
"The night we hanged at the apartments i knew you were the only one i wanted. Take the rose as a symbol of my love i have for you.

Go in the kitchen"

You got the rose and headed downstairs smiling because you thought it was adorable

You saw a plate of pancakes downstairs with a rose and a note besides it

" i dont care as long i am on this earth ethan can't stop me from cooking no matter how much he hates it! Hope you do i made it for the angel that has came in my life

Go upstairs and get and ready for the day"

You didn't know where this would lead to, but everyone was out the house so you went upstairs to check your phone

sorry we left without notice me and ethan went to the movies

I went to disney land with tom, but he is acting like a bitch when we get on rides

You giggled and continued heading your way to get ready. You walked in to see another note

" i have the outfit laid out from the night we all hanged with tom and i told you how beautiful you were, and then from the car ride that led to now. I want you to wear this but if you like you know the huge closet you have you could find something else, and remember you dont need any makeup ever your beautiful without it❤️ just brush your hair and jam out to our distrack😉

Oh go out back to the beach"

You decided to wear the one he wanted, because clearly he liked it on you before because if he didnt we won't be hear today! You put it on and brushed your hair and put it in a messy bun.

You headed out back and down to the beach. Each step you took you kept picking up roses in the end you had a total of 30. You saw grayson sitting on the grass then got a text you looked at it and saw it was from grayson

Look up!

You looked up to see fireworks go off then a plane flew in and spelled I love you. You started crying tears of joy. You weren't enough for grayson he could do much better, so why does he choose you? You loved him for it he is the best thing that has came into your life

You ran to him and gave him the biggest hug ever that he fell back and you too started laughing

Gray- Woah, you missed me didn't you"

You- "maybe"

Gray- I can tell

You just looked up in his eyes and stared both of you did. You smashed your lips to his and he kissed back immediately.

You- I love you

Gray- I am crazy in love with you

You- i could say the same thing right back

You grabbed your phone out and took a photo of him

You grabbed your phone out and took a photo of him

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You- look how serious you look, but still hot

Gray- y/n i am so flattered
he said as in acting like a girl

You- you should be now come on we gotta go inside to get ready, we are going to disney land

Gray- who says?

You- me and prisha and tom are there already

Gray- yay okay lets go

You to left to go disney land while you texted prisha saying you guys were going too you all decided to double date. Since Prisha and Tom are together now.

I couldnt tell you how it happened I just heard it happened at some spider-man convention..... dont ask

You too arrived and got inside and found prisha and tom. You asked tom to take a photo for you and grayson. He agreed and this is how it turned out

You- Tom why are you amazing at photo taking?

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You- Tom why are you amazing at photo taking?

Tom- its a talent!

You- clearly

Prisha- lets go munchkin we are going to have fun!

Gray- YAYY

you giggled and got ready to have a great day and night

"you saved me" a grayson dolan story💘 [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now