"wake up!"

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Briella- hey y/n wake up

you moan in annoyance and flip back over causing Briella to hit you with a pillow!
you sit straight up right away

Y/n- I am up (you yell)

briella- shhh don't. dare. you. wake. up. prisha. or. i. will. hurt. you!

you did the locking lip thingy and then you smelled something delicious! Your favorite meal in the morning PANCAKES! who made them though?

y/n- who made the pancakes?

briella- gray😏

y/n- yum let's go

you brushed your hair but didn't do your makeup because you aren't the girl to try for anyone your just yourself 24/7

Grayson- hey Bri hey bab- um I mean y/nn

Briella- yea of course "babe"

Y/n- briella.....

Briella is laughing at how hard you and gray are blushing

Grayson- okay well girls eat up I gotta wake up Ethan soon

Briella- I wanna help

Y/n- of course you do

Briella- shhh

Grayson- aww Bri likes my big browther🤣 (he says in a baby voice)

You and him start laughing at Briella for back for earlier. Y'all finish up eating and grab pans as in you and gray Briella was gonna jump on him

Y/n- 1 2 3

y'all start running and banging the pans while Briella jumps on him you are all laughing and stopped when he woke up alarmed. Ethan saw Briella and started blushing

Grayson- wake up!

Ethan- can I just sleep in one time gray- oh my god

y/n- aww what a adorable couple

Graysons acts like the paparazzi

Grayson- oh my gosh Ethan Ethan Ethan tell us who is she oh my you just looked at her and blushed it's official (he says in a girly voice)

You and him are rolling on the floor and they couldn't help laugh either

Ethan- Well thanks for the teddy bear

Ethan wrapped his arm arm briella hugging her and cuddled acting like he was going to sleep again. You and Gray aww really loud. Of course Gray came up with a bad idea that Ethan wanted to do to

Grayson- Where's prish at? (That's prisha nickname btw)

Briella- asleep don't wake her up ever! Let her sleep

Grayson and Ethan smirk at each other and run and grab the pans

Y/n- oh no!

You and Briella watch as the boy charge in the room and start banging the pans and screaming! Prisha jumped up and punched Ethan in the face and kneeled Grayson in the stomach there both on the floor in pain

Prisha- no one mess with me when I am asleep boys

Y/n- so um she boxes and learns defense moves in her spare time btw didn't we mention that

Briella chuckles at the boys on the floor

Prisha- imma make the Dolan twins my dogs! Just ya wait

Briella- think you just did prish

Grayson- this is called prank wars now suckers

Ethan- yea get ready to be prank so hard

The boys said this still on the floor and the girls just giggled

Prisha- it's on suckers

She runs out to start eating pancakes and put her long hair in a high ponytail

Prisha- so what did I miss?

Briella- lov- I mean we woke up Ethan......

Prisha- oh okay?

Y/n- they had a moment

Prisha- ahh! Wish I had a boyfriend

Grayson- you don't have a boyfriend prish?

"you saved me" a grayson dolan story💘 [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now