Dinner pt.1

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Prisha- it's 5 and I don't know what to wear!!!!!

Grayson- he likes a girl in jeans and a basic yet cute shirt

Ethan- I think he's gonna fall in love with ya in a heart beat (girly voice)

Briella runs into the closet and pulled out high top converses and jeans with a cute sort of black belly long sleeve shirt

Briella- here

Y/n- go get dressed we are all ready but you!!

Prisha came out and she was glowing with zero effort

Grayson and Ethan act like girls and jump around her screaming in girl voices....

Grayson- your so hot

Ethan- the hotties boo

Prisha and all of y'all start laughing very hard

Ethan, Briella Prisha left the room

Grayson- you look beautiful y/n

Y/n- you don't look to bad yourself mr Dolan

You smile and blush as he had a goofy smirk on his face he but his arm around your shoulder and y'all walked out together

Briella- couple alert

Ethan- look at you too

Grayson- stop

We started all laughing again then prisha cleared her thoart

Prisha- um sis let's go time to go see Tom

It was 5:30 we wanted to hang at the park for a little before we went

"you saved me" a grayson dolan story💘 [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now