i know him!

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(Btw prisha is not mean in this she is just goofy and is super caring you will understand later on why she is sassy but her soft self will come out at some point)

Left off with this🙂

Grayson- you don't have a boyfriend prisha?


Y/n- she has a celebrity crush no boyfriend though

Ethan- aww prisha has a soft spot actual

Briella- she's blushing for once

Prisha- so help me Ethan I will throw my shoe at you

Prisha  bursts out laughing at Ethan's face acting like he is hurt but he truest isn't

Grayson- who is the crush prish

Y/n- Spider-Man

Prisha- shut up!

Ethan- huh on a cartoon character?

Y/n- no Tom Holland you uncultured swine

You and everyone break out laughing

Ethan- little softie has an attitude shocking

Briella- I swear there both gonna kill you sooner or later

Briella ran over and blocked Ethan from us and stretched her arms out to cover his body

Prisha- awww cuties

Briella- stop ittt (she whined) it's kinda chilly in here

Ethan wrapped his arms around her since her arms were still out and hugged her

Ethan- warm yet?

Y/n- awww

Grayson grabs a blanket and throw it to Ethan who covers Briella with it everything but her legs and brought her to the couch and threw her on it! He jumped and turned Netflix on and they started talking as best friends like they knew each other for years

Grayson- so prisha you like Tom?

Prisha- Well duh who won't he is- I mean yea

Y/n- it's the only guy she has ever fanned girled over

Grayson- ahh I see I persona me and e are greats friends with spidery boy!

Prisha- seriously!!

Grayson- yep

Grayson picks up his phone and goes to the contact spideyyy boy🕸☕️  and calls it

On the call

Tom- what's up gray!

Grayson- aye spideyyyy come to dinner tonight Olive Garden with my new friends with me and e

Tom- okay what time?

Y/n- 7

Tom- who's that?

Grayson- oh um my.... friend the one I saved

he winked at y/n and had a goofy grin

Tom-oh y/n ahh and the other girls Briella and prisha the one attacked by paparazzi

Grayson- yes that's them

Tom- okay see y'all tonight

Grayson- bye

End of Call

Prisha- I cant breath he knew my name

Grayson- calm girl you gonna be alright (he said in a girly tone)

Prisha- I would kick you right but I am too excited

Briella- can we go take pictures for our IG we haven't posted in forever other than grayson

She smirks at gray and he giggles

Ethan- sounds fine by me let's go and take photos around L A

Y/n- okay let's get ready

Y'all left to go get ready to take pictures and jammed to music in the house

"you saved me" a grayson dolan story💘 [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now