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Ash's PoV

God, when did my life become so hectic? Or maybe it's always been terrible and I've only just now noticed. One way, it could have all started when I ran into Kayla. The other way, I've been so used to my parent's perfectionism that I've never noticed anything wrong. Either way, it's terrible. Maybe the first way is a bit better.

"Ashton, honey, can you come down here?" My mother yells up to me. I hop off of my bed and run down the spiral staircase that separates us. Yes, we're pretty fancy, but I hate it. I mean, nothing's wrong with being rich, but the amount stereotypes and guidelines you're expected to follow is insane. And don't go assuming we live in a mansion, because we don't. It's a simple three story, ten room and four bath house. It's not that huge, anyways.

The only reason we have this lifestyle is because my father is a successful doctor; something that makes people think I want to follow in his footsteps. Nobody ever asked me what I want to do after I finish college, or even what I want to major in, they all just assumed I want to be a doctor. That's why nobody knows that I want to be a veterinarian. Similar, I know, but quite different all the same.

"Yes, mother?" I ask as soon as I reach the bottom step. Mother and father was what I was always requested to call them. Never mama and pops, never simply mum and dad, always mother and father.

"Can you please watch over Alisa while your father and I have our night out?" She asked. Alisa, preferring to be called Ali, is my six year old sister. We are surprisingly close as siblings.

"Of course! Have fun," I smile and give them a hug before they leave. As soon as they drive away, I decide to get supper early. "Alright Ali, I'm in charge! What do you want for supper?" I holler, even though I already know her answer.

"I want some spaperghetti!" She announced. She absolutely loves spaghetti, even though she can't say it. I laugh and get out the Prego sauce and rigatoni noodles from the pantry. After putting the water on to boil, I plop myself on the floor and pull out my phone. Ali was sitting a the coffee table, drawing a picture with crayons. I shuffled over on my knees to see what she was drawing.

"Wow, that looks incredible!" It was a drawing of the family in stick figure form. We all were the same height and held hands, Ali on the outside of mother and me on the outside of father. We all had our names above us, mother and father having "mommy" and "dad" above them.

"Thank you. I wish we had a doggy so I could add him to the picture..." Ali looked down. I knew what she was doing. She has a "cute card" that she'll play to get what she wants. Works all the time with our parents, but I don't fall for it quite as easily. Because I play that card too. All the time, I get girls thinking that I've only ever loved them, though I rarely love any of them. Because I play the cute card. It doesn't help them that they probably hope of it all the time. Terrible, I know, but it's my reputation now. Not that most girls ever use common sense when it comes to love.

"I have someone I wish I could to the picture as well," I sighed. Crap. I just said that? Is this what it feels like to make such a random slip up: Churning stomach, pounding heart, foggy brain? Ali didn't seem to notice, so I slipped away to check the spaghetti.

"Holy--" I cut myself off, not wanting Ali to learn any curses at such a young age. I somehow managed to burn the spaghetti. I slapped my hand onto my forehead and groaned. Ali got up and turned on the fan while I opened the windows. The fire alarm hadn't gone off yet, thankfully. I poured the spaghetti into the strainer, then poured the strainer into the trash. So much for an early dinner.

"So... How's some PBJs for supper instead?" I laugh. Ali giggled and nodded. She was such a cheerful person, I hope she never changes. I got the peanut butter and bread from the pantry and found the jam in the fridge, setting it all out on our counter top. I made and cut her sandwich just as she requested it: Peanut butter on both sides, jelly on top of one side, and cut into four triangles. Ali was exact and prompt, just like mother. I handed Ali her plate and went on to make my own.

"I'm bored... Can we watch some cartoons?" Ali asked after putting her plate into the dishwasher.

"Uh, sure. But only for a little bit, it's almost 7o'clock." After telling Kayla that secret, I am a little embarrassed to watch the little kids' shows, but since it's for Ali... I picked her up and sat her next to me on the comfy couch. As Ali was getting the remote and turning on her show, I pulled out my phone and looked for Kayla's number. I know I had it on here... I got to the S list and found 'Sunshine'. Yup, found her. I took a picture of the TV screen and sent it to her

I could send you a video of me singing along to the intro as well ;)

Pfft, I'll pass. I don't need to listen to anymore trashy songs today.

Already stuck in the car with my dad's 80s playlist💀

I laughed aloud before making Ali rewind the episode just so I could take the video of me singing along to the intro. I made my voice as croaky and terrible as possible on purpose, just to make the video that much worse.

There you go, more deafening music

And who's to say that I won't send this to your friends?

Noooo! It's OUR little secret, how about that? ;)


You're so mean, you know

I know💁

I laughed to myself and turned off my phone. Ali had fallen asleep. I stood up quietly and picked up her petite little body, gingerly carrying it upstairs to her room. Her room was pink and princess themed, just like practically every other little girls' rooms are. Not that I have anything against it. I put her down on her bed and covered her with a blanket, kissing her forehead gently before turning off her lights and tiptoeing out.

"Sweet dreams, Ali."

How did you guys like this different perspective? Was it something that I should do a little bit more often? Leave your opinions in the comments, I love to read them!
~Káí łÿä

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