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I gasped, holding my stinging cheek, my eyes wide as I looked back up at Cartney. My hands slowly clenched, but Ash's firm hand on my shoulder reminded me not to get into a fight with her. Perhaps I told Cartney to stop being a brat and to get over whatever stupid grudge she still has with me, but that doesn't give her any right to slap me. Nor does it give me a single right to retaliate.

Screw it, I thought to myself before stomping my foot as hard as I could into her knee. She fell backwards, but quickly rebounded. We were surrounded by chanting kids within seconds. Where the hell is our gym teacher? I didn't have time to worry about that, instead having to worry about dodging Cartney's flying fists. She hit me in the shoulder, then gave me a firm punch in the nose. I stumbled backwards, still shocked from the slap that turned our whole argument from verbal to physical. Ash caught me in his arms and tried to drag me away, but I was just too stubborn.

"We used to be best friends," I reminded her, quickly pulling out of Ash's demanding grip and sweeping a leg under her feet. She jumped and kicked me backwards, making me land on my back. I groaned as my head banged against the hard gym floor. Paige pulled me to my feet and again I was being dragged away from Cartney. I walked against the pulling force and charged into Cartney, tackling her. Things quickly escalated, fists flying, hair being pulled, legs kicking, words stabbing.

"Ladies! My office, now!" A voice boomed. The crowd cleared and the fighting stopped. I sat up, wiping the sticky blood from my chin. Our principal, Dr. Robinette, grabbed both of our wrists and dragged us to his office. Ash and Paige ran after me, Jay and some other boy doing the same for Cartney.

I was pulled through a doorway that led to the principal's office. A room that every child and teen alike fears.

"Sit down, all of you, and explain to me what happened," Dr. Robinette ordered. I coughed quietly and looked down at my feet to avoid the strong gaze of our short tempered principal. There weren't quite enough seats, so Ash sat Indian style on the roughly carpeted floor. You could see the veins popping out from Dr. Robinette's forehead, which scared me even more. I'm almost never seated in this office for being in trouble.

"Well if Kayla isn't going to admit it, then fine," Cartney scoffed. "She called me a bitch and slapped me across the face. For no reason!" I gaped at her words. That lying little prick!

"Excuse me, but I believe you're getting our actions mixed up. You called me a bitch and slapped me," I defended. Dr. Robinette cringed at our crude word choice, but I continued, "All because I told you to stop being a brat, too." I looked over to Paige and Ash for support.

"Yeah, Kayla was just-" Paige started.

"No! She's lying!" Cartnet shrieked, standing up and pointing at me dramatically. My nose was still bleeding a lot, and I had to cover it with my hand.

"I am not," I sneered defensively, clenching my other hand into a fist.

"Yes you are, you little-" Jay began, but was interrupted by another, even louder booming shout.

"Everyone be quiet!" Dr. Robinette shouted, silencing all of the arguing voices. He rubbed his temples for a moment before trying to talk again, "I would like to interview everyone separately, please. Kayla and Cartney, go to the nurse and get cleaned up. Everyone but Miss O'Brien please wait outside of my office."

I didn't question him, instead simply walking out of his office and to the clinic, ignoring every person that I passed. Cartney limped behind me, mumbling angrily under her breath.

I opened the door carefully and made my away promptly to the nearest empty cot. The nurse didn't question us yet, she just got out a roll of bandages, a box of tissues, a wet towel cloth, and two ice packs. She sighed and walked over to me, dabbing the wet towel cloth on my few cuts. She handed me two tissues to help stop up my still bleeding nose and an ice pack for my throbbing head. She then moved over to Cartney and placed the ice pack on her hurt ankle, securing it with a tightly wrapped bandage.

"Kayla , you're good to go. Try not to run or jump, it might upset your head. Cartney, you stay in here," the nurse told me. I really need to learn her name. I nodded and walked out, slightly glad to finally be alone. I walked through the hallway slowly, basking in the pleasant silence.

I walked past the principal's office, but a firm hand gripped mine. I turned around in annoyance, only to be greeted by Ash's worried face. I've honestly never seen him like this, which only gave me a bigger reason to be unsettled. He jerked his head towards the door, which was unusually quiet.

"Dr. Robinette wants to see you," he whispered, squeezing my hand once before walking away towards the gymnasium. My heart thumped in anticipation as I slowly opened the door. Dr. Robinette was seated calmly at his desk, as if this whole fiasco hadn't just taken place. I coughed, unnecessarily announcing my presence, and took the seat I took just minutes before.

"After evaluation of the evidence I gathered from the students, it's become clear that you are the victim of the attack. But fighting in any degree is not tolerated at this school.Cartney will receive a three day suspension and you will get a week of detention. One hour after school from next Monday to that week's Friday," he informed me. I nodded silently, not daring to speak a word in case of him deciding that a single word spoken deserves more punishment.

"Yes, Sir," I said meekly, "May I return to class now?" He nodded silently. I scurried quickly from my seat and out the door. I walked quietly towards my English class, and started sprinting when I realised that the bell had already rung.

I have no idea why I started running, but I didn't bother to quit, even when my head started throbbing even more harshly. I got to the classroom panting, but refused to show my extreme pain. I opened the door and stumbled quickly to an empty desk. Ash got up and made his way towards me, but I quickened my pace. Why was I being so stubborn about not being helped? God, even I don't know.

My eyesight started to dim at the edges, and I almost felt like I was spinning. I tried to use the wall beside me as an assistance, but that didn't help at all. My head pounded away, the sound echoing in my ears. Words were muffled as the darkness that started at the edge of my vision started invading further. I leaned against a wall in the corner, trying to gather my senses. But what senses were there for me to gather?

I felt an arm wrap around my back and holding my shoulder, another my my other shoulder. I almost attempted to wrangle away from the grip, but the muffled sounds of panic became silenced by the ringing in my ears, and my vision was completely enveloped in darkness.

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