The New Kid

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Kayla's PoV

Dad and I had successfully stashed all of Shery's things and she had found half of it. I think the petition is being written by Dad, so it will progress quickly. Most kids are sad about divorces. I mean, I was when mum left, even though it's still not even an official divorce, but this is Shery we're talking about now. I'm so glad she's leaving, even though Dad allowed her to keep Scarlette. I will really miss Scarlette my.

My mind was full of pros and cons to Shery's leaving, even as I was taking my Science test and I played kickball in gym. I didn't really talk to anybody, but the slight smile on my face told Paige everything she needed to know.

Once the bell rang for third period, I walk out of the gym as quickly as possible without looking like I was running. I was almost to my locker when I bumped into someone, making their papers scatter everywhere. "Jesus! I'm so so sorry, I wasn't looking. Here let me help you!" I panicked and started picking up the papers and stacking them neatly. Realising that I hadn't even seen who I ran into and I was helping them, I looked over to see. It was a boy with deep chocolate eyes, buzzed black hair, and dark skin. I haven't seen him here before.

"Uh, it's fine, really. I'm Jay." He stuck out and hand for me to shake.

I took it and introduced myself, "I'm Kayla . Are you new here?" He nodded once and continued picking up papers.

"Kayla," Paige whined as she walked up to me, "you're going to make us late! Oh, you're helping him?"

"No, I'm steering the Jolly Rodger. What does it look like I'm doing?" I rolled my eyes. Paige knew when I was sarcastic to her it was playful, but I might have said that just a bit too meanly.

"Uh, can either of you show me to English 11? I'm so lost here," Jay laughed.

"Yeah, that's my next period. Just let me grab my stuff and you can follow me," I chirped. Paige skipped away to her science class. Usually we'd walk together, but she could tell I was a bit busy. After handing Jay his papers that I'd caught, I got up and opened my locker, fishing out my English books and shoving my science stuff in. "Okay, just so you know, Mr. Tuten is pretty chill if you do everything on time. Just don't get on his bad side, basically."

"Oh, alright. So does the 11 stand for 11th grade? This school is so much more different than I expected."

"Yup. After this, we have our electives and lunch, then you have like, two classes and go home," I informed, opening the door for him. Jay walked in and introduced himself to the teacher while I found I seat in the back. Scanning the classroom, I noticed that Ash wasn't here yet. We still had two minutes before the tardy bell rang, but Ash was never late like this. Why was I worrying over Ash, even?

"Uh, I literally don't know anybody else here, so I guess I'll sit with you," Jay coughed and sat down in the seat to the right of mine. At least now I'll have someone to snap me out of it if I drift off into my thoughts again.

Ash walked in just before the tardy bell and we locked eyes for a moment. Then his gaze fell onto Jay. The look in his eyes when he saw Jay was odd, I've never seen it before. He made his way over here, making me nervous. Ash sat down at the desk to the left of mine, putting me between both the boys.

I got a few jealous glares from the girls in the classroom along with the inaudible murmurs rippling between them, obviously because I was stuck in the desk between Mr. Rich And Popular and Mr. Cute Newbie. I just can't wait for this class to be over. Thank God I don't have to tutor Ash today.


"Hey, Jay! Come sit with us!" Paige yelled. It was lunch time and Jay had absolutely no idea where to sit. I hid my face in my hands, why did I tell her? "So? What are you going to tell him? Yes or no?" She was referring to Jay's question. He had asked me if I wanted to grab a coffee with him after school on a note. I didn't answer, though, because I didn't know if I wanted to.

"I dunno... I mean, I'm not busy... And he's kinda cute. But I only just met him and Dad might make assumptions, embarrass me... y'know, normal dad stuff," I groaned and poked my pizza slice with my fork. Jay came over to our table and took a seat by me, making me even more nervous. Why was I such an awkward potato when it came to this stuff? Paige gave me a sly look, like she was going to answer for me if I didn't do it myself. I shrugged and took a bite my pizza.

"Hey, Kitten!" Ash called to me as he took a seat next to Paige .

"Why are you sitting here? Aren't your friends waiting for you at your usual table?" I asked with an annoyed tone. Didn't I already tell him to stop with the nicknames?

"What's so wrong about sitting at the same table as the girl I love?" Ash asked with a smirk.

I accidentally started choking on the bite of pizza, and the gasps from Paige gained a bit of unwanted attention. Jay patted my back, but that only made it worse because I was trying to swallow the piece. I wasn't dying, obviously, but everybody thought I was. I just want to shrink down and disappear.

"I'm-" Cough, cough, "fine!" I finally stopped choking, now hiding my face again. There were sounds of laughter that came from all over the cafeteria. The whole lunchroom just caught me choking on pizza. I groaned and pushed my face against the table. "But please, who is this girl?" He was probably kidding, just messing with me. Love? No, no, no.

"Pai-Pai, of course! Oh, you didn't think...," Ash laughed his deep laugh as he slung an arm around poor, flustered Paige. Since when did he like Paige?

"Oh," I said in a small voice, indicating that he had successfully tricked me. At least now I can make up my mind. "Sure, Jay, I'll go on the coffee date with you!" Ash glared at Jay for a moment with that same look that I still can't describe.

"How about me and Paige join you, like a double date?" Ash proposed.

I looked over to Jay, who shrugged, "Sure, sounds fun."

How was I already going on a date with a boy I only just met?

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