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Ash's PoV

"I seriously don't understand why we need to learn this shit," I mumbled. Another day of tutoring, another day of stupid papers about dead people.

"So we don't make the same mistakes, idiot," Kayla made a paper airplane out of her old homework and tossed it at my head. I sighed and crushed the plane. "You just killed all those poor, innocent people!" Kayla squealed. I chuckled and tossed the crumpled paper plane into the bin from my seat. It bounced off the wall and landed on the floor next to it.

"And you're not even going to pick up your mess?" Kayla complained as she stood up and walked over to the bin, "You truly are a monster." She crouched down and flicked to paper into the bin. I shrugged and went back to my papers.

"You and Jay are getting pretty friendly," I say randomly, looking over at the now seated Kayla. Her cheeks reddened from behind her phone. No answer. "Put down the phone." Her hands gripped it more. I'm not in the mood for this today. "What? You embarrassed by your boyfriend?" The phone lowered. It was replaced by a death-glare-giving Kayla.

"We're not dating," she mumbled under her breath. Part of me was relieved. The other part was intrigued.

"Because you listened to my warnings?" I put on a playful smirk and propped my chin on my hands. I did know Jay. He's from Florida, we were friends when I vacationed there three years ago. I noticed that he acts all sweet and gentle to girls. To seduce them. That's just how he rolls. It always turns into a forceful relationship, which something I'd never want Kayla to end up in. She's too sweet to be put into a terrible relationship.

"No. He's... Uh, yeah I listened to your stupid warning." She was obviously lying. I know her ears get a red tint when she lies. Hey,I'm just a person who pays attention. A lot of attention.

"Mhm, sure. I don't believe you. So what is he?" I challenged. Kayla bit her lip and looked away. She didn't like whatever the answer was.

"Dating Cartney," she said, emphasising 'Cartney' with a gag. Oh, is he?

"Oh, I guess that means you're going to be alone at the masquerade ball next week?" We have a yearly masquerade ball the week before spring break. I remember last year she went with Paige. And the year before that. And the only reason I know is because Paige's hair and freckles are a dead giveaway.

"Paige will go with me. As friends. But yeah..." She drifted off. A thing she does when she gets nervous. What? I'm an observer of human actions.

"Oh, I was going to ask Pai-Pai to the ball," I teased. Kayla frowned. Maybe I was using Paige to get Kayla jealous. Maybe I was genuinely attracted to Paige . Maybe it was both. I hope it's not both.

"Hands on back, no sweet talking, and no kisses," Kayla commanded. "I don't want you using Paige like those other girls," she added with a... Did she really just stick her tongue out at me?

"Yes, sir!" I exclaimed playfully. Kayla rolled her eyes and went back to her phone, so I finished up my paper. "What's the time?" They really need a clock in this library. Kayla groaned before showing me the time. It was 3:40. Twenty more minutes in here. I was finished with my papers, but I kinda want to stay. For reasons that I won't address.

"So... Who was that lady from yesterday?" I asked, my curiosity getting the best of me. Kayla looked down again and bit her lip.

"Like I said, she's a person of the past." The face, the hair, her step mum, I connected all the dots. How had I not realised earlier? The answer was so obvious now: the lady was her mum. Her real, biological mum.

"Why are you so mad at your mum?" I regretted the words almost as soon as they left my mouth. Kayla bit her lip harder. I saw a little bit of blood gather at the spot she split.

"I'm not!" She stood up and started walking away. I quickly jumped up and caught her by the wrist. "Let go," she said, not even looking back. I tightened my grip, which made her tug her arm. I pulled her arm behind her back and got hold of her other wrist. I hated doing this, but she can't run away from something like this. Trust me, I've tried.

Kayla sighed and stopped resisting. "I'm not mad at her, I'm mad at myself. I made her leave. I'm the whole reason why they fought and why she left. I heard them fighting. But neither of them knew that I knew that they were going to be divorced. They tried to play it off around me. Apparently they'd made up. But stupid little me had to get upset and told them to stop pretending. And she left. Because of me." Kayla was almost shaking, fighting back tears. I hugged her out of sympathy. No, not sympathy. I hugged her out of empathy.

I released her wrists, but as soon as I did, she ran out. She didn't even gather up her stuff! I groaned and packed up her stuff for her, which was only her phone, textbooks, and pencil.

I was stuffing her phone into her backpack, it dinged. The curiosity in me today was really evil, I guess, because I opened it. Why doesn't she have a lock on her phone? I looked at the notifications, it was a text from Paige. Before I read the new text, I decided to read the others. I'm such a privacy invader, I know.

How do you NOT like him?! He's totally hot!

I DO like him! But he's dating the bitch. You know this!!

You could totally get him to cheat on her 😈

God, Paige ! Since when were you so evil?

MWAHAHA! But seriously, you can't go to the MB by yourself

Well who would I go with?? If you're going with Ash..

Ooh, do I hear envy?

Ash? Envious about me? I'm liking this conversation so far.

NO! I'm not envious, jealous, or anything like that!

Right... But he IS totally available for you to ask

I'm going with Kyle.

Jay's brother?

Yup! He's so cute and mysterious😍😍

Now I'll have to play third wheel!

Or you could just go with ASHHHHHHHHHHH.......


Whatever, just don't complain about third wheeling

Interesting. I laughed and put the phone into her backpack before I zipped it up and ​​​​​​slid it onto my left shoulder, using my right shoulder to carry mine. I pulled my own phone out of my pocket and clicked Paige's name.

Kayla left her stuff @ the library. Gunna drop it off. Whats her address again?

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