Awkward Introductions

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I was awaken by a gentle trill of the spring Robins that dwell in the tree by my window. I squinted at my alarm clock to see that it was 5:30. Gathering my surroundings, I realise that Ash must've stayed
asleep the whole time because I was still curled on his lap, his arms wrapped around me. My stomach growled loudly, as if it was pretending to be a whale. I groaned and sat up, hoping it would help quiet my loud stomach.

"Ash," I whispered, shaking him gently. He moaned a complaint and waved his hands out, swatting the air absentmindedly. I shook him harder, determined to wake him up. Maybe I could get him out of here before Dad sees him and starts fangirling.

"Ash!" I whisper-shouted in his ear. He stirred, pursed his lips, and looked at me with his adorable, sleepy blue eyes. He paused for a moment, two, then three. Finally, he understood where he was and shot up immediately.

"I've gotta go! I don't need your Dad to kill me today." He jumped up, ignoring the fact that his hair was a wild mess, and walked towards the door. My door opened slowly, even though Ash was nowhere near it, and Dad poked his head in. It was at that moment that Ash knew, he'd screwed up.

"Oh... I brought soup," Dad announced, holding out a steaming bowl of Chicken Noodle soup. Ash coughed and looked down. I have never seen Ash look so embarrassed in my life. Was it bad that part of me liked being able to see him so embarrassed?

"Uhm, thanks," I said, taking the bowl. "Dad, this is Ashton. Ashton , this is my Dad. He doesn't bite," I joked, hoping to break the ice. Dad smiled and held out a friendly hand. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I am quite fortunate to have such a friendly father.

"Ashton... Anderson? As in Patton and Lydia Anderson son?" I looked at Dad in confusion. Who were they, and if they are his parents, how did he know?

"Erm, yeah. Why?"

"Oh, Tris was friends with Lydia from her book club. And I met Patton at one of the Hubby meetings or whatever that they had once." I stared at Dad with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. Mum and Dad knew Ash's parents?!

"What?!" I squealed, my voice cracking because of my illness. Dad laughed at patted me on the head, telling me to eat my soup and completely ignored my vague, single worded question. I pouted and sat down, listening to their conversation. Sometimes Dad still treats me like I'm a child. And I deal with it, because I know he just doesn't want me to grow up and grow apart from him. It's his one main fear.

"If you would like, I could whip up some eggs or toast real quick for you," my Dad offered generously. Dad has a high and respected reputation of being very passive and selfless, though that doesn't mean he doesn't know when to decline someone of something.

"Thanks for the offer, sir, but my parents are probably wondering where I am. I really didn't mean to fall asleep," Ash said, declining my father's kind offer. Dad nodded and allowed Ash to leave. Now I'm stuck with my father smiling at me. I already know what he's going to say, even before he says it.

"Is he your boyfriend?" I called it.

"No-- er, I mean... Kind of? I'm not quite sure," I answer honestly. I mean, he is my boyfriend, but it was just a simple lie to avoid dating Jewl. I'm a cover, basically. And just knowing that made my heart crack slightly.

"Right... I need to go to the grocer, can you survive an hour alone?" I nodded, my mouth full of steaming Chicken Noodle soup. I'm still processing what just happened. Dad knows Ash's parents? I shook off the thoughts as Dad walked out.

I guess I'll just have to find a way to entertain myself for an hour. This will be pretty difficult


My phone rang from it's spot on the arm of the couch. I was lying on the couch, covered in my fluffy blanket and binging on a show Paige introduced to me. I groaned and paused the show before answering the phone. It was Dad.

"Hello?" I asked. No answer. I repeated the question, louder this time. There was a shuffling sound, then a honk of a car horn in the background.

"Oh! Kayla, hi. Sorry, I must've butt-dialed you. I'm almost home, by the way. Love you," he chirped before hanging up. I laughed at my dad's silliness while I unpaused my show.

"Lucky Charm!" The girl yelled, throwing her yoyo up into the air. I have no idea how I hadn't seen this show earlier, it's amazing! The phone rang again, and this time I didn't bother pausing the episode before answering.

"What is it this time?" I huffed impatiently. Dad only double calls when it's something super important. Or when he wants to annoy me. It's often the latter.

"Oi, I was just going to tell you that I think I left my hoodie in your room. Can you check and bring it back some time?" Ash asked from the other line. My face flushed with embarrassment that I had thought he was Dad. This is why I always check the Caller ID.

"Er, yeah. I'll bring it to school on Monday? I should be better by then," I croaked, my vocal cords deciding to give out on me.

"Oh, hey! Is that... Oh my God, you watch--"

"Shut up! It's nowhere near as childish as your show," I mocked, cutting him off before he could finish his sentence. I was completely right, there are grown adults who watch my show. I mean, adults can watch My Little Pony as well, but it's not as popular among adults as mine.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Sunshine," he teased. I blew a raspberry at him through the phone before abruptly hanging up.

He's so weird.

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