l18l Nekoma

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"Is everyone here?" Coach Ukai asked.

"Yes, sir!" Everyone on the team yells.

"Wait! (Name) isn't here yet," Takeda-sensei says.

"What? Is she still sleeping?" Coach asked, "Hey, someone go and wake her up!"

"I'll do it!" Tanaka volunteers.

"Me too! Seeing one of our angel sleeping face is a gift!" Nishinoya adds.

"You two probably won't even wake her up, you'll just be creepy and watch her sleep," Coach says.

"Kyoko, would you go and get her, please?" Coach Ukai ask her.

Kyoko nods and goes to wake you up. Yamaguchi notices Tsukishima not wearing his jacket, he knows that his childhood friends always have it on and he only takes it off when he needs too. "Tsukki, where's your jacket?" Yamaguchi asks him.

"I didn't feel like wearing it," he says. Yamaguchi looks around and he doesn't see Tsukishima's jacket and he knows that his friend is not a person to lose something as his jacket.

Knock Knock

There was no answer, "(Name), I'm coming in," Kyoko says as she opens the door and walks in. she sees you sleeping and tries to wake you up.

"Hey, (Name), you gotta wake up," Kyoko says shaking you. She then notices the jacket you were wearing.

"Hmm? Kyoko?" You say as you rub your eye and got up, "What's going on?" you ask.

"We got training, and who's jacket are you wearing?" Kyoko asks you.

You grabbed your phone and checked the time, "How long have I been sleeping?" you ask.

"Not long but get ready quickly," Kyoko tells you.

"Yea, thank you for waking me up. I'm sorry I overslept. I'll get ready now," you tell her and her nods. Kyoko goes back and tells everyone that you would be joining them soon.

You remembered what happened last night. You remembered how Tsukishima telling you that you can call him by his first name and you weren't sure if you should or shouldn't. You thought he only said that because he was caught up in the moment.

You took off his jacket and your PJ. You put on your clothes and then made your way to the gym where everyone was. You sneak in while no one was watching. You left Tsukishima's jacket on top of his bag and walk beside Kiyoko.

"You finally made it, (Name)," The coach tells you.

"Yes, better late than never, right?" you say and he sighs because he couldn't disagree with that.

"Good morning, (Name)!!!" Nishinoya and Tanaka yell.

"Good morning, Nishinoya-senpai and Tanaka-senpai," You tell them and when you did it felt as if there hearts were going to jump out of there chest.

"Come on! Put your body into it!!" Coach yells at Hinata.

"One more!" Hinata yells and received it properly.

"That his fifth time," Kiyoko tell him.

"Well, that's everyone. Time to run some laps guys!" Coach says.

"Yes, sir!" They yell.

Tsukishima went to his bag to get his water when he notices his jacket. He turns around to look at you and you were talking with Kiyoko and when you finished talking to her and was going to make your way outside you noticed Tsukishima looking at you as he was holding his jacket.

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