l97l Curiosity Kills The Cat

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{I am sorry for the late updates, I am trying to finish my school work and catching on some sleep as the whole quarantine thing has my whole schedule messed up. I would be able to finish my math homework if my teacher just RESPONDS to the email I sent her ASKING for help but you know, she responds three weeks later saying, "Your right, the equation is wrong and doesn't make sense meaning this technique wouldn't work on this equation." COULDN'T YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT EARLIER?!? YOU MADE ME FEEL LIKE AN IDIOT! I even got my dad, who is a math genius, to check on the equation and he couldn't get it. The same thing happen once again and I thought I was just stupid again but I'm excellent at Math so I got my dad to do it and he looks at me in the eyes and ask me, "Does your teacher even know how to do math?" I have never laughed so hard. Sent another email and never received an email back. Math is not the only problem but also other work because almost none of my teacher do Zoom! How am I supposed to learn?!?! }

{Me with the work my teachers give me without explanation on how to do them}

{Me with the work my teachers give me without explanation on how to do them}

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{Well, enough of me complaining and let's just get back to the story

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{Well, enough of me complaining and let's just get back to the story.}

Your father was about to say something to your mother other than her name as it is confirm it is her. He wants to know how this is possible but he was interrupted by the sound of a motorcycle. It quickly drives it and stops.

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