l32l The Great King

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"Are you sure about this?" Hatake ask your father.

"Of course, I want to see the team that has changed my daughter and the lucky guy who won her heart," your father says as he finds a seat.

"That's not what he meant, are you okay to walk in a volleyball stadium? I mean, won't this make you think of Marizela?" Ojiha ask your father.

"It must have taken my daughter a lot of courage to walk in here. If she is capable of walking in here, supporting her team, then so can I," your father says.

"Well, let's just hope no one recognizes us," Ojiha's wife points out.

"Good luck Oikawa!!" A few girls yell.

Nishinoya, Tanaka and even Hinata hate it. "I won't lose to these Assholes!!" Tanaka yell.

"Well, looks like he full of energy," your father says with a smile.

"Tanaka-senpai!" you call him and he looks at you, "You're pretty cool as well. Nishinoya-senpai, have you gotten taller? Hinata, you're starting to be as cool as the little giant once was," you tell all three of them with a smile.

"(N-Name)!" they saw with tears in their eyes as they run to you, "You're such an angel," they all say and you flash a smile.

"Daichi, what side are we on?" you ask him.

"Serving," he tells you.

"Alright! Everyone get moving!" you tell them and they all start serving.

"(Name) seems to be pretty popular," Sakura says as she seats down next to her mother with popcorn.

"Of course, they simply love her and you should see how passionate she is when she's helping around," Mitsuo says as he sits down with a drink.

"Go, Go Karasuno, Go!" Nami and Ko both yell from the spectators.

"Mitsuo," your father ask for him.

"H?" he says as he takes a sip of his drink.

"Who's the tall blond guy with glasses that (Name) is talking to?" your father asks him.

"Oh, him? That's Kei Tsukishima. Same class as (Name) and middle blocker," Mitsuo tells him. He wasn't going to tell your father that you like him because he knows that you'll have his head.

The referee then blows the whistle to let everyone know that the match will start so everyone had to get lined up. "Thank you for the game!" everyone yells. Everyone then went to their coach to make a plan.

"Remeber guys, you've beaten Aoba Josai once before. They may have not been at there best last time but I still believe that the fact that we overpowered them once is already a good enough reason to be confident, not to be cocky! But confident!" Takeda-sensei tells the team.

"You hear them, make sure to go up there and keep your head held up high!" you tell them.

"Yeah!" they yell.

Tsukishima starts with the serve. Aoba Josai was able to receive it and two of their players are getting ready to jump. You pay close attention to Oikawa and saw him jump but the way he was positioning his arms was a little different and that's when you knew.

"He's not going to set!" you yell but Oikawa spiked it and got his team the first point.

"Really?" Coach Ukai says as he was pissed but tried to keep his cool.

"A setter dump? That's when a setter make an attack right?" Takeda-sensei ask.

"Yeah, he may be pretty but he's a dick," you say with a sigh.

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