l63l Anthony Past

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Anthony is sitting down on a bench looking at the view in front of him. He's up on a hill at night but it's okay as the light were the stars in the sky. The sidewalk lights for late-night walks. Anthony is somewhere calm, a small park where you can walk peacefully. It's a beautiful meeting place and a wonderful place to look at the amazing view.

The view was just breathtaking and this is the place Anthony goes to whenever he wants to let out his stress or just wants to be somewhere calm where he can think. Anthony lets out a sigh as he takes out his phone from his pocket.

He looks at it and it's late. He should be heading home but he already texted his parents saying he'll be home late so he can stay out as long as he wants as long as he keeps his parents updated.

He goes to his gallery and looks at his picture. Some pictures were of him and his little sister. Another of you and him. Another of him and X. Just pictures of everyone he cares about. He loves taking pictures as it holds memories. 

A picture can say a thousand words.

Anthony continues to scroll down until he finds one certain photo. A photo of him and Mitsuo laughing together. You were the one that took the photo and he should have deleted it but he loved the photo way too much to do so but now it's time. He should delete every photo that showed anything about him having feelings for Mitsuo.

He clicks on all of him and now he just has to press the delete button. He wants t but a part of him is telling him not to...

He presses a button.

He lets out a loud sigh, "I hate this!!" he yells knowing full well that he's alone. He hates that he's like this.

Why do I have to be like this? Why do I have to like guys? Why can't I just be into girls? Anthony asks himself.

Anthony never knew when it started. When you and Anthony were always together as kids, Anthony thought he liked you. He heard a few girls talk about love and he asked them what it was and they said something cliche, such as you want to kiss them, hold there hand. Just be with them all the time. You want to marry them and be together forever.

Anthony still didn't understand. Of course, Anthony loves you. He always had but it just wasn't that way. While growing up he starts to understand more and he had past girlfriends in the past but they never work out. He just didn't feel nervous.

He does admit they were beautiful and that any guy would be lucky to have them but he felt nothing. No attraction. Nothing and he was scared about it. Liking someone who's the same gender isn't easy or accepted but everybody.

He did ask himself if he was into guys but he pushed that side away and told himself that he's straight and that there was no possible way he could like a dude but he couldn't. He didn't matter how many times he pushed that idea out, it would always come back and he would catch himself staring at the boys and when he gets caught, he has an excuse or goes along with it.

Growing up with you also got him close with Mitsuo. At first, Mitsuo shouldn't be anyone but like an older brother to him. He even overheard that if anything were to happen to your parents or anyone that would have to make you take the business into your hands, X would be by your side, he would be your right-hand man and Mitsuo would be your husband.

Anthony didn't really understand the business back then so he assumed that you and Mitsuo would end up together as you were both always so close but then he just learned that he was just an older brother.

Anthony can't really remember when his feelings for Mitsuo have started but he always remembers the way his heart or how nervous he gets whenever Mitsuo was close to him or would smile towards him but Mitsuo would always treat him like a little brother.

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