l101l You're Gay?

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<Double Update. Yay!>

"Getting back together with her?" Soleil question as she looks at you who nods, "It would work," Soleil says with nod as she understand the plan you suggested.

"Seriously?" X ask as he looks at her and she nods.

"You're not really going to get back together with her, just pretend you are. Win her trust, get close to her and then strike. Cecelia is gone once and for all," Soleil says but X sighs.

"I don't know. I really don't want to kiss her or hold her again," X admits which made Soleil smile.

"You never had this problem before," you point out, "Damn, Soleil, you really changed my cousin," you tell her as you give her a thumps up which made her laugh, "But," you look at your cousin, "I would never force you to do something you wouldn't want to do which is why I suggested this plan," you tell him and he nods.

"I know but the thing is, will Cecelia believe it?" X ask.

"She would. Three words from you and she's running into your arms," Soleil says with a sigh and a little bit of jealousy.

"Three words?" X question.

"Tell her you still love her. You made a mistake and that you have realized it. That you have been completely blind and how you still want her and bam! She's in your arms and you can then stab that hoe!" you tell him which made you them look at you with a surprised face.

"Sorry, I had too much Ice cream and lollipops. I'm a little bit energetic," you quickly apologize which made him them let out a laugh.

"No worries but first thing first, we need to find her," Soleil says and you nod.

"I'm sure there will be no problem there," you says looking at your cousin with a smirk.

He sighs, "What if it doesn't work?" he ask. "Cecelia and I have been together for seven years. We knew each other pretty well," X says which made Soleil look away with a clear sign of jealousy on her face.

I don't know but we need to come up with a plan quickly to deal with Cecelia because the sooner we deal with her, the better," you tel and they all nod in agreement.




"What do you think?" Kumi ask as she walks in Juliet's office and place some pictures in front of Juliet.

Juliet takes a look at it and smiles, "They're perfect, I'm surprised how you stayed out of it. Didn't it bother you?" Juliet ask as the pictures Kumi took were some men standing around a guy sitting on a chair all tied up and he looks beaten up.

The male's who were standing all had guns on them and some of them have tattoo and they were wanted. There were some car, vans. They kill the man who was tied up in the end and Kumi got all the pictures. 

The pictures all showed the face and with these proofs, Kumi could win in court and sent these men along with their boss in prison.

"Well, I thought it would but to my own surprised, I wasn't bothered by it much. Sure, I felt bad for the guy but one sacrifice to put all of them in prison, worth it don't you think?" Kumi says which made Juliet look at Kumi a different way.

Juliet smiles and nods, "All these picture you're getting me is extremely well. Very useful," Juliet compliments which made Kumi smile in satisfaction.

"Really?" Kumi says as her cheek turns a little red.

Kumi has been working with Juliet for a while now. They've gotten a little close. Juliet is three years older than Kumi which Kumi found nothing wrong with it. No, they were not a thing, they're not dating.

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