l26l Revenge Is Sweet

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You were walking and then you got pulled into the alleyway. A guy put his hand over your mouth and you bit it. When he let go you pushed him and then kicked him right in the stomach. Another guy grabs you from behind. There was more of them. There was 2 at first but because you caught them by surprise they called back up and now there was 5 of them.

They got you and you scream, "Now would be a very good time!!" And then one of them grab you and they were about to inject you with a drug.

That was the signal for Ray and the others to come out. There was a gunshot that shot the drug that was going to be injected into you. The guys were taken by surprise and you use that as your chance to attack. Everyone came out of hiding and attacked them.

They called back up and their back up come quicker then you thought. They were going to call their boss, telling him that it was a trape but they didn't get a chance.

- With Tsukishima and the others -

"Did you hear that?" Ko says turning around.

"Was that a gunshot?" Nami asks.

"No, it just gotta be fireworks or something right?" Yamaguchi says.

"They didn't sound like fireworks," Tsukishima says.


"There gunshots for sure, we have to get out of here then right?" Ko says.

"I think your right," Nami says agreeing with her.

- With You -

"Hey one of them is getting away!" X yells.

"I'll get him! Sakura pass me a knife!" You yell and Sakura passed you a knife and you ran after the guy.

You saw him pulled out his phone and you threw the knife at the phone. You have years of practice. He continues to run and you went to pick up the knife and ran after him again. The guy started doing some parkour, jumping car to car, building to building and you followed behind.

You were really fast, you were catching up. There were a few people on the street and he started pushing them aside so he can get pass by. He even threw some stuff on the ground so he has some time to run while you have to get around it.

Nothing he was doing was slowing you down which was scaring him. He didn't want to die, he didn't want to get caught but this was the price he had to pay. "Get away from me!" He yells.

"Not until you pay for what you did to Ellisa!" You yell.

The guy ran into 4 kids and pushed them aside. "You kids better get out of here!" You say not even looking at them, you didn't want to get your eyes off the guy, you were not going to look away even if it's a second.

"(Name)?" The kid who the guy pushed aside was no other then Tsukishima, Nami, Ko and Yamaguchi.

"That was (Name) right?" Yamaguchi ask.

"It was, let follow them!" Nami says as she starts to follow you. They started following but they didn't have to run much because you tackle the guy down. You were on top of him and you placed a knife on his throat. Yamaguchi and the others hide and watch.

"I didn't do anything!" The guy tells you

"Bullshit!" You yell.

"I swear I didn't---" you cut him off.

"I hear that line before, it's not going to help you. Just pray that God is on your side," you tell him.

"I--" You cut him off again.

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