Chapter 15

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I finally had everyone out of the great hall, back to their homes. That should stop the fighting. I finally turned my attention back to Astrid.

I glanced around, the only person in here being Gobber, who was walking towards me.

"Looking for Astrid?" He asked. I just nodded. "I saw her slip out once the fighting started, poor thing looked terrible. I sent the Fishlegs out to comfort her, cause I think he wanted an excuse to escape. Plus he's better at comforting than the twins." He explained.

"Knowing Astrid, she'll have run off somewhere, see you tomorrow Gobber." I said already half out the door."

"See you lad,"

I ran out into the night, first checking our house then Fishlegs. Astrid nor Fishlegs was at either of them. That meant Fishlegs was still looking, or Astrid wasn't being corporative. I was panicking now, I start running towards her parents house hoping that she would be there when I saw Fishlegs and Astrid parents coming from the same direction.

"Fishlegs! Ingrid! Ásmundr! Where is she??" I shout, not because I'm angry with them, but because I'm worried for her.

"We were just coming to find you!" Astrid's mother, Ingrid said, also starting to panic.

"Oh, this is not good." Fishlegs said.

"Okay, we need to be rational, where have you looked?" I asked Fishlegs.

"First your house, then the Hofferson house, then her cousins. She's not with any form of family on this island. And that's not the worst if it..." Fishlegs said.

"What?" I asked, worried.

"We can't find Stormfly either." Ásmundr told me. Panic filled me. She could be anywhere.

"Okay, Okay - Uh, Fishlegs find Snotlout and the twins and do a lap around the island, she could just be in the forest somewhere. Ingrid could you find my mother? And Ásmundr could you find Gobber?" I shout the orders as I run towards toothless.

"Where are you going?" Ingrid called after me.

"I think I might know where she is. Meet me at the Edge in the morning if you haven't found her tonight!" I instructed them.

Toothless could almost read my mind as he came bounding up to me, staying still as I fastened his saddle. He took to the air quicker than I've ever seen him.

"Thanks bud, you know where to go." In the year that we spent at the Edge, we took this journey many times. It was long and took about 3 hours. But toothless hadn't flown today or yesterday, so he was well rested and worried for Astrid.

We're coming Astrid.

Btw Ásmundr and Ingrid are names of Astrid's parents I've seen in other Fanfictions. Thanks to people who came up with them 😅

M Xx

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