Chapter 9

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"WHAT?!?" We both exclaimed. Fray just smiled.

"We're married, in case you haven't picked that up!" Astrid almost yelled.

Fray laughed and faked embarrassment, "no silly! I was just wanting to ask Hiccup his thoughts on our villages merging?" Fray said innocently as if we should've known that.

Astrid and I shared a glance, "I think it's the best move to benefit both communities, but we'll have to take a vote at the town meeting that's about to start," I said, steering the conversation to the many villagers flowing into the great hall. Most smiled at me and Astrid, but a few gave dirty looks towards Astrid, I squeezed her hand as we followed them to the great hall.


"And now we move onto our visitors. As you know, Mr Foster is the chief of a neighbouring island that was recently raided by Drago Bludvist. We are proposing the idea of merging our communities into one to stay strong against Drago." As I explained the situation I saw many people nodding and agreeing. "All in favour?" I ask, numerous hands went up.

"Wait a minute!" An old man from the village screamed. "Ye can't just add a bunch of people withou' tellin' us all the details." He argued.

I sighed. "All right, any questions?" I asked.

The same man spoke "Will we live here or there?"

"Here, we have a bigger island," I answer immediately.

"Which traditions will we continue?"

"We will continue Berks traditions that our new members can join in on, or they can introduce new traditions, or continue theirs without us." I explain. I admit... I'm making this up as I go, but Mr Foster was nodding in the back so I suppose I'm saying the right things.

"Who will be our chief?"

This question I didn't know the answer if. "That is yet to be decided." I answer. This lead an outrage among our communities.

"If you newbies are living on our island, the the Haddock family should be chief!!"

"What Haddock family? They have no heir!"

"SETTLE DOWN!!!" I yelled, a hush falling against the crowd. "Does anyone have some ideas that would benefit everyone?"

A single hand rises from the crowd.

A girl around my age, who I know is good friends with Fray. "What about merging the two families?" This sent a confused glance through the crowd.

"Hiccup will continue his role as chief until he chooses to pass it onto a heir. Now, to my knowledge, Hiccup's wife can't get pregnant, so what if Fray has his child? That would continue both family lines in leadership"

She was cut short by roars of the crowd. If Gobber wasn't there, I'm sure kind innocent Fishlegs would've taken the eye out of Fray.

"Absolutely not!!" I argued.

While most of Berk agreed with me, some were shouting back insults at Astrid and encouraging this idea. I saw Astrid disappear out the door, obviously overcome by the opinions of others. I tried to call out to her, but her blonde hair had disappeared into the night.

K. Again. This story is completely unplanned and I'm making it up as I go.
Wish me luck : D

M Xx

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