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“You cannot save everyone. Some people are going to destroy themselves no matter how much you try to help them.”  



After I had dropped Erica off at her house, I stopped by the clinic to see how Paige was doing. She was at Deaton's getting the cure she needs to get better, that's why she wasn't with me today.

I pulled up to the clinic to see the door broken. It looked like someone was thrown through it. Oh no. I turned off the car and took off running inside.

I walked inside to see both Deaton and Paige lying on the floor unconscious. I walked over to Deaton and shook him a bit. His eyes slowly opened and he groaned.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"S-she broke in and attacked us. Paige, s-she's hurt badly." He says and my eyes fell onto Paige.

"Put her on the table." Deaton says, trying to stand.

"Are you sure you can stand?" I asked as I picked up Paige.

"I'm fine." He says, walking over to us." But she isn't. Her claws scratched deep enough to severely injure her."

That's when I noticed that her shirt was ripped and stained with blood. He lifts her shirt up and four claw marks appear. I clenched my jaw as I stared at her wound.

"Meaning?" I asked, taking her hand.

"Meaning, she's in a state between a coma and death." He says and I just feel rage build up inside me.

"I'm going to kill her." I said, through my teeth.

"Let's try to be rational about this, Derek." Deaton says.

"Rational?! I can't let another person I care about die because of me!. . Just please--just, do whatever you can to make sure she gets better." I said softly and he nods.

I kissed her forehead and sat down in one of the waiting chairs as he opens his medicine cabinet. .



-Earlier at the clinic-

"Now, you're going to feel just a little pinch." Deaton says as he holds a syringe up to my torso.

Deaton called me in early this evening to come to the clinic because he just received the shipment of the algae I need to get rid of my symptoms. I was so happy. I hate feeling weak and useless.

"God, I hate needles." I sighed and placed my arm over my eyes.

He chuckles softly as he wipes something onto my side. "You and everyone else. But don't worry, it's going go by really quick. You're going feel..just.. one.. little p--"

A loud crash sounded from up front. Deaton looked at me nervously before walking away. I slowly sat up as I watched him walk away.

" There is a door, you know. It's called twisting the kno-- Ah!" I heard and before I knew it, Deaton was thrown back into the room.

I jumped off of the examination table and shifted. A weird half lizard/ half werewolf girl came around the corner, smirking. I growled and launched towards her. She grabbed me by the neck and threw me down. She jumped on top of me and scratched my side. I felt myself go numb and my heart beat slow down. . I didn't really remember anything after that until I found myself staring into this really bright light . .

(Editing) ριεcεs υηsσℓvε∂ ↞Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now