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Zach's POV

My birthday is literally in a few more hours just five more hours and I'm 17!

Wait wow I'm getting old.

I hear my door open and I look up from my phone. "Hey baby" Jack says walking over to me.

"We have nicknames now?" he nods and plops down on the bed next to me.

I giggle. as I grab both of his arms and flips us over so now I am on top of him looking into his brown eyes.

"Why are you so cute?" he says moving his fingers over my arm.

"So are you" I say bending down to peck his lips. I lay down on his chest still on top of him.

"Your getting heavy..."

I gasp and sit up.

"Are you calling me fat!" he nods I gasp again acting like I'm hurt from his words.

I start play hitting him a bunch of times and he just laughs at me. "Okay, what do you wanna do before you turn offically 17 today?"

Thats a good question I don't really know.

"Hmm.." I say thinking.

"Laser tag!" Jack rolls his eyes jokingly.

"You still like that stuff" I punch him in his chest.

"Yes idiot, who doesn't"

"Well me" I roll my eyes and get off of him.

I still don't really know what we are, I mean we are closer, but I still feel like I'm in the friend zone.

I want to take our relationship to the next level, but he is still seeing Gabbie and I don't understand why.

Does he even like me anymore?

My door opens seeing Daniel he runs up to me and wraps his arms around me picking me up and twirling me around.

I squeal a bit and Jack cooes.

"It's almost your birthday!" I giggle at his enthusiasm.

"Yea! Jack and I are going to laser tag wanna come?"

"Yeah! I'll go get Corbyn!" I watch as he leaves the room. I see Jack head for the bathroom to take a shower.

I grab a black shirt and black ripped jeans and change. Jack comes out in all white. I look at him confused.

"What are you wearing?" I say laughing.

"Clothes, what are you wearing?"

"All black because its laser tag" I must have sparked a light bulb in his head because he goes back into the bathroom to change again.

Typical Jack Avery.

I start to head downstairs and stop hiding, seeing Daniel and Corbyn talking. They start giggling and then I hear nothing.

I look to see them devouring eachother in a lustful makeout session. I wasn't supposed to see this.

They seem so happy, but in the end Corbyn is cheating on Christina and that hurts me a lot.

Christina is a good person and she doesn't deserve this, not one bit.

But then again...who does. I think about how I cheated with Jack on Daniel...

I clear my throat and they break apart.

"So guys, you never told me you wer together?" I say walking toward them.

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