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Jack's Pov

Daniel and Zach finally made it home and I was so excited to show Zach his present. The park looks amazing and I really hope he likes it. I also got him something else, but I need to wait on that one.

Our family starts to walk in and it makes me so happy, since I haven't seen them in two years. We've talked on the phone, but its always better in person. I see my mom and she opens her arms wide, ready for me to hug her and I do.

I missed her and these hugs we used to share. I feel a tug at the bottom of my shirt. I pick up my little sister Isla and smoother her face with kisses. "I. Missed. You. So. Very. Much" I say inbetween kisses. She just giggles trying to get my face away from hers.

I hug Sydnie and Ava next and they both tell me how much they've missed me or what I have missed back home. I take a seat with Sydnie on the couch. "So Jack.." she says nudging my shoulder. "What Syd" "You got anyone special yet" she says winking and leaning her head toward Zach.

"Haha, shut up." I say jokingly. "I wanna know how my little bro is doing! Did you finally get your man or-" I cover her mouth. "Shut. Up" I say trying to be serious. I feel something warm on the inside of my hand. "Ew! Your so childish for a 20 year old!" "Thank you" she says with pride. Thats not something to be proud of at all though.

Daniel an Zach's parents come in together. I get up from my seat and go to Myta after he is done hugging her. "Mrs. Herron, do you mind if I talk with you for a momment?" "Of course Jack!" I lead her into an empty hallway of the house. I reach into my pocket and take out a case.

"I was wondering..since I adore your song so very much, I was wondering, with your permision, if I could propse to hi-" "Jack! Thats amazing!" she says with an enthusiastic smile. "Of course!" She engulfs me into a hug. She pulls away and puts her hnd on one of my cheeks.

"To be honest, I always liked you better than Daniel. Your connection is different from the one they share, I'm glad you took a leap of faith and are going to do this" I nod and let go of a breathe I didn't know I was holding.

I see Zach start to set the table so I go over and help. I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my lips onto his neck. "Hey baby, need some help?" I ask sweetly. "Um no I think I'm okay" he says removing my hands off him.

That was weird. "Are you okay? You seem a bit off." "Yeah I'm fine, just stressed I guess." I see him look over at Daniel then back at me fast. "Okay well, is the food ready? Do you need me to set that up?" he shakes his head no. Daniel comes over and I swear I saw him blush. "Zach, need any help?" "Um yea- wait no" even if he did deny I knew what was going on.

He still had feelings for Daniel, and I couldn't compete with that. I grab my coat and head out the door. I run toward the park that took almost a whole day to decorate. I take a seat on one of the benches and let the tears fall down my face.

I never knew someone could break me like Zach did. I truly loved him, and I thought he did too, but I was wrong. It hurts to be wrong.

Zach's Pov

I see Jack grab his coat and rush out the door slamming it shut. I made a huge mistake. I rush over toward the door until someone grab my wrist. I turn around to see my mom. "Mom, I need to-" "I know, but just think for a moment. He needs some space, eat and then go find him okay?" Is she crazy?! I can't just sit here pretending nothing is wrong. I relise her grip from my wrist and open the door.

I rush out and shut it. I know I am probably going to get yelled at for not listening, but I don't give a fuck. My first priority is Jack, and Jack only. Where would he go if he was upset. When we used to have fights he would go- the park!

I run down sidewalk after sidewalk until I am in front of the entrance. I hunch over and rest my hands on my knees panting from the trip here. I sit up once i catch my breathe and my eyes go wide. The park is glimmering with lights and beautifully cutt snowflakes. There are a trail of roses in front of me.

I follow them and look around. I see a tree with a lot more lights then the others. I notice polleroids attached to it. I look closer and see its Jack and I laughing and messing around. "He did this.." I feel a tear run down my cheek. "He did this for me..and I kissed Daniel.." I feel guilt rush over every inch of my body.

I hear quite sobs come from deeper into the park. Jack. I walk a bit faster following the sad cries. I hear the sobs get louder and there he is sitting on a park bench with his head in his hands and tears running down them. 

I walk over to him slowly trying not to scare him. I take a seat next to him and lean against him softly. He lifts his head up and looks into my eyes. I look back into his, and all I could see was hurt and saddness. I did this, I made him this way. "Jack-" "I don't care about your reason. I just want to know why Daniel?" he says wiping the tears from his face.

"I- I don't know...I guess since I loved him so much and he was my first love, it was harder to et over him than I thought." I say with a sigh. "If you still love him, then just go to him Zach. I don't want your pitty." I wrap my arms around him. "Jack, your not getting my pitty, yoru getting my love." "Zach! Its obvious you still love him! You can't love two people!" I think about that for a moment.

"Your right. I love one person and I like another," I let go of him. "I can already tell which one you like and love." he says getting up ready to leave. I stand up and grab his wrist and in one swift motion I turn him around and connect our lips.

He doesn't kiss back until a few seconds. I pull away. "Your right your absolutly right! I can't love two people! I only love one person! And thats you Jack! You were there for me way more than Daniel was! You made me laugh and smile harder and brighter than Daniel did! You made me a better person more than Daniel could ever do!" He looks away from me blinking back more tears.

I let my tears go "I know you can never forgive me, but at least just hear me out. I do love you I really do, I no it doens't seem like that now, but I can change I can I really can! So please, give me a chance.." he finally looks up at me.

He looks into my eyes. "I forgive you but-" I grab him into a huge huge and cry into his chest. "I love you so much Jack" I say between sobs. "I-I love you too Zach.." he says pulling me closer. He pulls me away. "I can see you have already seen one of the gifts I have for you, but-" "Wait one? Whats the other" I say with a smile.

"Well.." he says getting down on one knee. "Shit, shit Jack your not-" He reacvjes into his pocket and takes out a black case. He opens it and I can feel more tears coming. "Zach, you have made me one of the happiest people in the entire world. No one has made me laugh or cry as much as you have," I laugh through my cries. "I fell in love with you, for not how you look, but for who you are. You were one of my best friends, my shoulder to lean on, the one person I knew to count on, my one and only, my everything, your the lov eof my life." I start to cry even harder wiping the tears away from my face.

"I love you for being you and the way you make me feel when I'm with you. I want every second we share together make my love for you increase. Will you do me the honor of becoming my-" "Oh my fucking god yes! Yes!" He takes my hand and inserts the ring onto my finger. I smash my lips onto his and we move our lips in sync, until I stop him.

"Wait..I didn't get you anything," he looks at me sympatheticly. "Yes you did, by saying yes you gave me a lot more than I could ever ask for." He inserts his hand into mine and I lean my head onto his arm while we walk out of the park, with us both feeling relived and happy as ever.

"I love you Jack"

"I love you too Zach"




Thank you so much for reading 'Choose' it really mean't a lot writing this book and with all the support you guys gave me! This book is probably one of my favorites. Go check out my other books if you want and have a great day <3

~ AJ ✩

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