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Daniel's POV

I've noticed a tension between Jack and Zach ever since Jack and gabbie started hanging out.

Zach and I have grown farther and farther apart and its really breaking my heart.

I mean its obvious that Jack likes him, and I think Zach likes him too.

They have probably hooked up a bunch of times behind my back.

I feel a tear fall down my cheek. I can never have anything good in my life and actually keep it.

I've just gotta be strong and think that this is just my negative thoughts talking.

"Hey Dani, whats up?" I hear Corbyn say coming toward the living room. I wipe the tears from my eyes fast.

"Nothing I'm fine..." He frowns and sits beside me.

"Its not nothing if your crying." He holds me in his arms.

I finally can't hold it in anymore I let go and sob into his chest getting his shirt soaking wet.

He kisses my head and rubs my arm up and down speaking kind words into my ear. I hear footsteps coming from down the stairs.

I see Jack and Zach smiling and laughing running down the stairs chassing one another. I sit up from Corbyn's chest and put a fake smile on for Zach.

Zach looks over at me with sad eyes. He comes over and sits next to me.

"Whats wrong baby?" I shake my head not wanting to explain. Jack comes over soon and asks the same thing.

I get up from the couch and run up the stairs not wanting to talk to anyone. I shut and lock my door and land onto my bed.

I cry into my pillow letting all my emotions go.

Zach's POV

"Jack! Give me my phone back!"

"Never!" he says running out my room and down the stairs I chase after him. I almost trip and fall and he laughs at me.

I am about to attack him when I hear a soft cry come from the living room.

I see Daniel lying onto Corbyn. I walk over concerned.

"Whats wrong baby?" he shakes his head signialling he doesn't want to talk. Jack comes over with a sad expression and asks the same thing.

At that point, Daniel gets up and runs up the stairs to his room and I hear the door shut hard with a lock.

I frown.

I wonder whats wrong. I head up the stairs until someone grabs my wrist.

"Let him be Zach, he's in a bad place right now." Corbyn says letting go of my wrist.

"Can you tell me whats wrong with him?" He shakes his head.

"I have some suspissions, but I don't wanna speak for him."

He walks away to Christina's room. I sigh and Jack opens his arms, I run over to him and hug him tight. We both drop to our knees and hug one another.

I start to cry. I think its because of me and Jack, and I'm probably right.

Yet, I'm crying into his arms, and I don't feel bad...


Its been about over a week and Daniel hasn't left his room since, not to eat or anything.

It was exactly what Jack did.

Since Daniel and I share a room I shared with Jack. I hope he is okay, I bet he is starving.

I head over to his room and knock on the door. "Daniel..baby you okay?" that was a dumb question obviously not!

"Daniel? Can I come in?" I hear the door jiggle and open.

Revaling a messy haired Daniel that does not smell the best and he looks awful.

I sigh and feel myself on the verge of tears. I run into his arms and hold him tight.

"Daniel I-I'm sorry! I never wa-anted to hurt you!" I sob into him.

He wraps his arms around me and kisses my head.

"Zach..I think it's best if we break up" I let go of him and see him on the verge of tears.

"W-what do you mean b-break u-up?"

"I mean..this isn't good for both of us..I mean its obvious-" he starts crying harder.

"Daniel please don't-"

"Zach i-its better for us I swear it," we both cry into one another.

We lay down onto our shared bed which is just two twin beds pushed together.

I rest into his chest and he rests his head onto my head. I really made a huge mistake.

I don't know what to do..but now I know I have to choose.


Next Update: ✵???✵

Bye Zaniel 😭😭😭

~ AJ

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