🎅Christmas Group Chat Part 2! 🎅

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Hello everyonnnneee!!! Sorry this took a while to do!! MERRY CHRISTMAS BTW!!! And thanks to GorgingGeorge who helped me with this story!!! I  appreciate you for your help!!

Anyway, this is a story from part 1 it was a group chat! So in part 2 all the Beatles had come together and Paul and Ringo had the idea of getting George and John fat like Santa!!! 

So with out further or do, let's carry on with the story!


The next day Paul and Ringo had managed to buy as many food as possible for their two delightful Beatles who will be becoming Santa's. And the amounts of food George and John will have will be bigger than their human sized bodies.

"I can't wait to see them as Santa's this year" said Ringo.

"Especially George cause he loves eating" said Paul.

Yep! And then they'll be the fattest Santas in the world!" Ringo grinned as he thought of the two guitarists being as big as walruses. "Now let's get to fattening them up!" Grinning, the two ran back home to fatten up their bandmates. John and George were bloating fast and their clothes ripped as their fat bellies kept growing.

The more food they ate the bigger their bodies went.

"Can't believe Im Santa again this year" said George. "But yet, ITS SO MUCH FUN!!""I think im gonna be sick..." Mumbled John but he kept on eating. "Can't believe they made me Santa this year...oh my god...THESE ARE DELICIOUS!!!"

As the two fat Beatles sat and ate Paul and Ringo watched with grins on their faces. Eventually they were fat enough in Paul and Ringo's eyes. Which means that the two were too fat to move or even fit in the costumes which lead to Paul having to sew them to adjust them.

"Well at leas we won't be wearing the beards this time, they were so itchy!"

Ringo whined. "AWWWWWWW BUT THEY GOT TO WEAR BEARDS!! You can't be Santa without beards ye'know".

" but then it will be itchy for us!! And our stubby arms wont even reach to our chin to stratch our faces!' Said John."Don't worry we'll stratch it for you" said Paul. "Yay" sarcastically John said.

Suddenly John spotted George trying to get the last peice of a strawberry cake. "I. NEED. THIS." Said George."No you don't Geo! You've eaten solo much!!!" Said John."Same with you ye'know"."Oof" he said. "BUT I NEED THE LAST ONE!!!! PAUL GIVE IT TO ME PLEASE!!" George whines.

Paul got the last piece of the Strawberry cake and was about to pit it in his mouth when George went red."NOOOOO I WANT THAT PIECE!!!!" Shouted George.

"But can't I have this peice since you've eaten so much!" Said Paul George grunted."Now LET'S GET THEM INTO THE STUDIO!!" Ringo cheered as he rolled them down the street, but since thwere was a lot of snow around they would end up rolling up into giant snowballs."Ack! Paul we got rollaway Beatles on our hands!" Ringo squeaked as he saw them rolling down a large hill.

"Well there's only one thing left for us to do, we have to get as fat as them and beat them down the hill!""Can't we just take a cab?"

"Nah it's less fun that way, anyways I GOT THE WORLD'S FATTIEST EGG NOG TO INSTANTLY GAIN WEIGHT!"After drinking it, magic began to happen.

Their tummies began to large like Planet earth, their legs became short abd stubby like their arms.

They suddenly developed double chins on their faces and they grew rounder and rounder like planet Jupiter. "LETS ROLL! Haha get the pun Ringo?"

"I never get you" he said then they rolled down the hill in rapid speed as if they were zooming. Soon they got to catch up with their super obese bandmates and got them to stop before they rolled over a flat field of nothing. "We saved Christmas!!"

"Don't you mean you saved us from rolling over a big pile of nothing?""Well you guys were dressed as Santa so we can consider it saving Christmas." Paul smiled."This is the best Christmas I ever had!!" Said Ringo "And rolling down that hill was soooo much fun!!!" Said Paul

But John we already ate" said George.

Then he thought..."YES DESSERTS!!! PUDDING EVERYTHING!!!" "Oh George" the other three said "Well you know how much I love food!" George giggled."Just be sure not to eat too much, or else you'll be bellyfied again!" John joked."WHO CARES I LOVE FATNESS!!" Shouted George.

And the others agreed wholeheartedly and ate all the food in the world

Especially George who couldn't even think of stopping.

And then they lived heavily ever after. But to make it seem more Christmas-y they were decorated like fat Christmas trees

The End

Merry Christmas My wattpad Friends and Here is a picture I made for you all!

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