johns poem

21 7 2

"I wrote a poem for everyone and it's about everyone!"

"Aww how does it go chap?" Asked Paul.

John said "it goes something like this...."

Thank you to everyone
Who enjoyed this book
For we did have heaps of fun

But it ain't gonna end
My very best of friends
Because the Beatles love everyone!

You guys are our sunshine when we are happy

You guys are our plants who grow to be flowers

You are the ones who make us smile for hours!

What we would do with out you
Would be very boring
You guys make it so much fun
That we should not be ignoring

For love is all you need
And kindness we will treasure!
And the Beatles are what you listen and read
For our memories stay 4 ever!


Ringo: I'm crying well done John!

John: Awwww! *HUGS Ringo*

Paul: I'm so proud dear friend.

John: we love you Paul

Paul: 😢😭💙

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