3: Abilities

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John's POV

I walked onto the roof, holding my lunch in my hands. 'Huh?' I thought. 'Why's she here?' I just expected Seraphina, but the new girl was on the roof with her.

"Um, hi?" I said to the two girls. "Stephanie, right?" I asked the girl.

She nodded. "And you're John." She smiled at me, tossing her dark blue hair over her shoulder. "So, I heard from Seraphina that you're a cripple."

I dropped my gaze, plopping down next to Sera. "So now you know I don't have an ability. You're going to treat me like all the rest of them now, right?" I said bitterly.

"John!" Seraphina smacked me on the head. 

"No!" Stephanie looked shocked. "I was going to say that I want to be friends! Well, if you want me to be your friend..." 

My head snapped up. "But, but I'm a cripple!" 

She shrugged. "I don't really care. I'm a low tier myself. And plus," Stephanie smiled at Sera. "You two are the only nice people I've met today."

I laughed sheepishly. "Ah, sorry about what I said. And I want to be friends, too."

Seraphina nodded. "Me too. And I don't mean to be rude, but what's your ability?"

Stephanie stiffened. "Ah, do you really want to know?" 

When Sera nodded, Stephanie sighed. I listened in when she spoke. "My ability is... flow control."

"What's that?" I exclaimed. "Sounds cool."

"Nah," Stephanie turned away from us. "Not really. I don't like using it a lot."

"Really?" Seraphina narrowed her eyes. "Why?"

Stephanie looked uncomfortable. "Well, uh... it has some... limitations." Now Stephanie looked a little down, staring at the floor. She began wrapping up her half eaten sandwich.

Sharing a meaningful glance with Seraphina, I tapped the bluenette on the shoulder. "Hey," I said gently. "Sorry about bringing all that up. Do you want to go to the mall with me and Sera to have some fun?"

Stephanie brightened. "Sure! I'd love to."

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