15: Low Tier Spectator

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Stephanie's POV

Seraphina led me to the spot in the train station where the rest of the Royals were waiting. Arlo and Elaine gave me a steely glare as we approached, but I ignored them. Instead, my gaze was fixed on a certain redhead...

"Blyke?" I called tentatively. "Is that you?"

The red haired male turned, shock evident on his face as he saw me. Then his expression turned into a happy one. "Hey," he greeted me. "Nice to see you here, Stephanie."

As we smiled at each other, Arlo cleared his throat. "Do you know each other?"

"Yep!" I said. "He helped me out a few days ago."

"Is that so...?" Arlo murmured softly.

"I forgot that you were Jack!" I said to Blyke, with another grin. 

Blyke questioned, "But why are you here? Turf Wars is for Royals only."

"She came with me." Seraphina answered for me. "And there's no rule saying that she can't watch."

"Oh, I see!" Blyke replied. "So you came to watch! We'll give you a good show!"

I laughed. "I'll be looking forward to it!"

The train arrived, and we boarded it. Inside, I Seraphina and Blyke stood, while Arlo and Elaine sat down facing each other. I decided to sit next to Arlo. I didn't really want to, but I wasn't about to sit next to Elaine. She glared at me fiercely from the other side, but I ignored her and turned away, my head resting on the seat.

I turned, my mouth falling open in horror as I saw Uncle doubled over, blood leaking from his stomach. "Uncle!" I screamed as he pulled himself back up. 

With a grunt, Uncle threw his hand forward at the assaulter. His ability was still activated, and the assaulter flew through the air, slamming against the wall. Uncle rushed toward me, picked me up, then ran through the hungry flames to the bathroom. He closed the door and locked it. With a moan, he sank to the floor on his knees, clutching his stomach. 

"Uncle?!?" I yelled, terrified. "Are you okay?"

He grabbed my hand, fear evident in his eyes as he looked at me. Fear for my life. "You need to hurry." He rasped, squeezing my hand tightly. "You need to run, but first..."

"No!" I gasped, opening my eyes to see Blyke looking at me worriedly. I tried to calm down, changing to terrified expression on my face to a much calmer one. "Ah, sorry." I said to Blyke.

The red haired boy cleared his throat. "Um, we're here." He hesitated before asking me, "A-are you okay?"

"Yeah, fine." I nodded quickly, getting up. "Just a bad dream."

Blyke sighed. "Just... you can talk to me if you ever need to, okay?"

I smiled warmly at him, making his cheeks turn a little pink. "Thanks, Blyke."


We walked out onto a very barren land, sort of like a desert, but instead of sand, there was dirt. 'So this is the Turf Wars spot.' I thought. 'Hmm, less impressive than I thought it was. But what did I expect?'

The other school's Royals were already waiting for us. "The school's name is Agwin. Ranked second in Turf Wars," Seraphina whispered to me. There was a blue haired male, a long, pale purple haired male, a dusty blonde male, and a female with sliver-gray hair that fell down to her hips.

"Look who finally showed up." The purple hair growled. "Wellston."

"Ah, Broven," Arlo smirked. "It's been a while! How've you been?"

"Cut the crap, Arlo!" Broven stood up, glaring at Wellston's King. "You're the one who challenged us. At least have the decency to show up on time!"

Beside me, Sera stiffened, her head jerking up from her phone screen. She glared at Arlo, and I just assumed that it was because Arlo had lied to her.

"Oops, my bad." Arlo apologized, but everyone there knew it was fake. I guessed that Broven was the King of Agwin. The two Kings walked forward, meeting each other in the middle. Arlo was at least a head taller than Broven.

"So what are you planning?" Broven grumbled. "Wellston has no need to instigate a Turf War."

"I heard you have a new Queen." Arlo replied, glancing over to the girl with the silver-gray hair. "And I also heard you haven't lost with her on your roster yet. I just wanted to see her in action."

Broven's glare hardened. 'Isn't he too cocky?' I thought with a frown.

"How do you want to settle this?" Broven said after a while. "One-on-one or three-on-three?"


Broven's green eyes scanned the Wellston Royals, and his eyes landed on me and Seraphina. "Hmm? Who are they? Did you switch up your roster, too?"

Arlo smirked. "Oh? Seraphina is actually a returning veteran." he said, gesturing to the purple-haired girl.

"S-Seraphina?" Broven choked out, shock and fear filling his eyes. 

'Is Sera really that scary?' I thought, as Seraphina sighed, rolling her eyes.

"And don't mind the other girl," Arlo glanced at me condescendingly. "She's just a low tier spectator." I glared at him, and he smirked back. "Now let's start." he said to a shocked Broven.

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