38: Later

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John's POV

Stephanie and I made our way slowly through the train station, hoping that no one would make a big deal about their injuries. Hopefully they think we came from a Turf War or something. I thought as people's heads turned toward us. They looked curious and somewhat alarmed, but they didn't say anything. As soon as our train pulled up, we entered an empty compartment, and we plopped down into the seats next to each other.

"So," Stephanie said dryly as we sat down. "I see you have an ability?"

"...Yeah." I felt my stomach twist as I wondered what she would think about me now.

As Stephanie tried to make herself comfortable- or as comfortable as she could with her injuries, I snuck a glance at her wounds. There was a long scratch down her side that had stopped bleeding, but still looked red and angry. Blood slowly dripped down her right arm, and she shifted it with her other arm, as if she couldn't move her injured arm. And every time she inhaled, she winced slightly as if it hurt to breath. Besides that, she had smaller scrapes and scratches on her body, in addition to many bruises. "Are you sure you're okay?" I couldn't help asking again. 

"I told you I'll be fine," she replied, rolling her blue eyes at my obvious concern. "Worry about yourself first." She pointed to a large bruise on my face, and at my arm, which sort of felt like all the bones were broken in there. And also at my raw knuckles. 

"You're more injured than I am!" My voice rose, before dropping in volume. "I shouldn't have dragged you into this," I groaned. "I shouldn't have trusted Arlo. I should have listened to you."

"Don't blame yourself." Stephanie replied, patting my shoulder awkwardly. "It wasn't all your fault."

"Thanks," I said gloomily, not convinced. "I guess I should... tell you everything, shouldn't I?" I stared down at my shoes, visions of Claire and New Bostin threatening to overwhelm me. I also saw Arlo's sneering face. Claire... and now Arlo... I grit my teeth in anger.

"Uhhhh," Stephanie's voice made me focus on her again. "I... guess it's fine if you don't tell me." My head jerked up, my eyes widening in disbelief at what she said. She had a smile on her face.

"W-what?" I stuttered. "You don't want to know?"

"I do want to know. But if you don't want to, I'm not going to make you." 

But I should tell her... I thought, conflicted. After what she saw today... "Really, it's fine." Stephanie said, probably knowing how I felt. "You can tell me some other time, when you're ready. After all," she paused. "everyone has secrets." Briefly I wondered what she meant, but didn't dwell on it for too long.

"Well... thank you. Really." I finally said. "I promise I'll tell you someday." I felt relieved I didn't have to tell her about my past, but I still felt guilty about it.

"You're welcome." She flashed me a grin. "Now, if you don't mind," Stephanie leaned back in her seat, her eyes closing. "I'm going to get a little rest on the way back."

"Okay, I'll wake you up when we arrive." I said as before long her breathing evened out. I frowned, as her breathing still sounded pretty shallow. With a sigh, I closed my eyes, too, and maybe tried to take a little nap, but memories of Claire and Arlo seemed to haunt me. I couldn't sleep.


We limped toward my house. "Remind me why I'm going to your house again?" Stephanie asked me, pouting slightly as she looked at me.

"Because my house is closer and you can barely walk." I replied. "Why do you want to go to your place so bad?"

"Because I have a five page research paper due tomorrow." Stephanie groaned, putting her left hand on her forehead. "I haven't even started yet."

"Seriously? You're worrying about that right now?" I couldn't help but let out a chuckle at her words.

"Of course. My English grade is this close to dropping to a B right now."

I laughed loudly, now approaching my house. "You still have an A? My grades are all D's and C's!"

Before Stephanie could reply, a new voice rang out. "John?"

I froze, and Stephanie crashed into me, letting out a small yelp as her injured right arm bumped against my back. But my eyes were focused on a certain purple and yellow haired girl sitting on my front porch. "S-sera?"

"Long time no see, John. And you, too, Stephanie." Seraphina rose from the porch, a warm and welcoming smile on her lips, and I couldn't believe it. My breath hitched. I hadn't realized just how much I had missed her until now. My legs shook, and I suddenly fell onto my knees. I could hear Sera rushing over to me. "Hey!" she said, concern in her voice and she put her hands on my shoulders. "What happened to you? You're covered in blood!"

I opened my mouth to reply, but stopped short. What was I supposed to say? That I had an ability? That I defeated the King of Wellston? That I was a monster? Suddenly, I realized all the damage I had done to Arlo. Every blow I had landed on the blonde was suddenly replayed and intensified in my mind. I am a monster. "Sera..." I choked out, tears dripping down as I broke down. "Please... please don't look at me right now."

There was a pause. Then Sera pulled me to my feet. I still had my head lowered. "Stephanie," Sera exclaimed, her attention now on Stephanie, who was still standing awkwardly by my side. "You look horrible, too! Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine." Stephanie assured her, even though I knew she must be hurting a lot. 

Sera started to pull both of us inside my house. "Come on. Let's get you both inside."

Once inside, Stephanie wanted me to lie on the sofa, while she took the armchair. I knew I should have let her take the sofa instead, but at that time, I was too shaken to argue. As I lay there, I turned away from Sera, wanting to shrink into myself. What was I going to say to her?

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