22: Woaba Boba

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Blyke's POV

I sat at a table in the school library, working on my report for English. With a thick book in my hand, I pondered over the confusing words in the ancient book when I saw someone put down a large stack of books down on the table next to me. 

"I don't get why the teachers like to give tests out at the end of the quarter." the pink-haired girl groaned as she dusted off her hands. "Now I have a million exams to make up!"

"Remi!" I exclaimed, surprised and happy at the appearance of my best friend. She had been gone for a week for some unknown reason. "When did you get back?" I asked her, putting down my book.

"Late last night," she replied as she took the seat in front of me. Then she picked up a book out of her stack, opening it to a page. "Fill me in, Blyke. What did I miss?"

"Nothing much," I said. "But believe it or not, we won Turf Wars against Agwin on Sunday. Seraphina subbed in for you as Queen while you were gone, and this girl named Stephanie tagged along." I leaned in closer. "Wait, this is a secret only Royals can know about." As Remi leaned in apprehensively, I whispered, "Stephanie attacked Arlo and broke through his barrier!"

To my surprise, Remi just scoffed. "Well, duh! I already know that! Everyone was whispering about that this morning."

Shocked, I demanded, "What? How did they find out?!?" Then I remembered my encounter with Isen that morning. "Isen..." I growled. "You're dead when I catch you..." 

"And," Remi smiled. "I met her today at the cafeteria. She was in a bad mood, but still very nice to me. Are you her friend?"

I scratched my head. "Yeah... sort of..." I said, sheepish. Changing the subject, I informed Remi, "Also, Seraphina and Arlo were about to fight, too."

Remi shrugged. "It's about time. They've always had beef with each other! But whatever. That's none of my business!"

My jaw dropped open. "But..." I stammered. "You're Queen. It's kind of your responsibility to break them up!"

Remi shook her head quickly. "Oh, come on! We both know I'm only Queen because Seraphina didn't want it! She and Arlo are on a completely different level from me! I'm not getting myself involved in their problems anymore!" 

"Wait! What?" I yelled, but she plowed right on.

"Look, if I got caught in their crossfire, what could happen? I could get kill-" she paused. "Ah, I don't know..."

I narrowed my eyes. She had changed from a week ago. "Hey, Remi? Why did you go home? You left so suddenly. Is everything alright?"

Remi stiffened behind her book. When I called her name again, she lowered the book, biting her lips. "I went home to attend a funeral..." she murmured. As my face turned pale, she continued, "because my brother was murdered..."


Stephanie's POV

I sighed, shoving my report card into my bag. I had received A's in every subject except trigonometry and history. 'I'll study harder next time.' I thought as I walked out the classroom. I was glad to see that the whispers pointed toward me were dying down.

"Stephanie!" Someone called, and I turned around to see Blyke hurrying toward me.

"Oh, hey." I greeted him with a smile.

"Hey..." he said uncomfortably. "Uh... did you hear any rumors about Sunday by any chance?"

"Hm?" I was surprised by the question. "Yeah, and it was driving me nuts. Only Royals are supposed to know about it, so I don't know how the school found out."

Blyke sweat-dropped. "A-actually," he avoided my gaze. "I accidentally told Isen, my best friend, and he went and blabbed it to everyone..."

"What?" I glared at the red-haired boy.

"But hear me out!" He quickly added. "To make it up to you, I'll buy you a drink! Wanna go to Woaba Boba afterschool?" 

My irritation with him faded. A drink did sound good. "Sure." 


I leaned against the school gate, waiting patiently for Blyke. 'He should be here in a few minutes.'

My phone chimed, and I unlocked it to see that John was texting me. 

John: < Hey, where are you? Come over to my house to hang out. Sera and I are already there. >

Me: < Sorry, John. Can't make it today. >

John: < Wat? Why? >

Me: < Hanging out with another friend. Sorry. >

John: < Oh, okay then. :( >

Me: < I'll see you tomorrow. Maybe we could hang out then. >

John: < Okay. Later. >

I stuffed my phone in the pocket of my uniform. I only wore the white button-up shirt with the tie tied up into a bow around my neck and the teal jacket. I didn't really like the gray vest, so I didn't wear it that often. 

I looked up as I saw Blyke heading over to me. "Hey, over here." I waved.

"Sorry I kept you waiting." He grinned. "Let's go."

We walked out of campus, heading for the famous Woaba Boba. As we walked out, Blyke turned to me. "So," he started. "You got your report card back today, right? What did you get?"

"Everything except trigonometry and history is a A." I replied.

"that's great!" Blyke assured me. "I have a couple of B's and mostly A's." 

I let out a startled cry as someone shoved me to the side, and I almost fell down. It was a blue-haired man who looked very antagonistic. "Watch it," he growled.

Blyke stepped up to him, his ability activated. "You're the one who shoved her," he retorted angrily. "Apologize to her right now, or don't blame me for what happens next."

I put a hand out to stop my friend. "It's fine." I said, glaring at the man. "But please don't be so rude next time."

With a huff, the man turned and stomped away. Blyke turned to me. "You okay?"

"Yep," I replied, fixing my collar. "Perfectly fine." 

We were at Woaba Boba, and we went in. 

"What would you like?" The waitress asked us after we found a table. 

"I'll take the chocolate milk tea. With boba, please." I said.

"And a strawberry-and-banana smoothie for me." Blyke said after a moment."

"Your drinks will be out in a moment." The waitress went away.

Blyke stared out the window, looking a bit moody. "What's wrong?" I asked him, drumming my fingers on the table.

"Nothing." Blyke sighed. "I'm just- bothered by how that guy treated you."

"Don't worry about that," I told him. "There was no harm done."

"But doesn't it bother you that you get pushed around? At school, too!" 

"Not really." I shrugged. "I mean, it's sort of my fault. I'm the one pretending that I'm a low-tier."

"But still..." Blyke sounded frustrated.

Our drinks arrived at our table. Picking mine up, I stood. "Look, I need to go now. I have a mountain of history homework waiting for me." Blyke nodded.

"Oh, alright..." He waved.

"Cheer up!" I advised. "See you later."

As I stepped out, I caught sight of blue hair disappearing around a corner. The man who shoved me? What was he doing? I shrugged it off, even though it was a little weird. None of my business.

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