26: Sera's Departure

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John's POV

"Seraphina, please report to the main office." 

My head jolted up from my desk when I heard the announcement. "Huh?" I exclaimed, shocked.

I glanced to my left, and saw Stephanie with the same expression as I had. "Do you think she's in trouble?" She asked me in a worried tone. I just gave her a confused shrug, wrenching my attention back to the front as the teacher gave me a chilling glare.

I remained restless for the rest of the period, all sorts of thoughts going through my head? I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, then pulled it out to see a text from Sera.

Sera: < Meet me by the school gates ASAP. >


In a few minutes, Stephanie and I had made it out of the classroom, then ran to the front of the school to see our purple and yellow haired friend waiting there for us.

"Sera!" I yelled as soon as I reached her. My worry deepened when I spotted a suitcase next to her. "What's the luggage for?"

"I have a flight home in two hours." Sera replied. "Elaine ratted me out after all."

Stephanie looked angry. "I knew Elaine wasn't trustworthy."

"Nah," Sera shrugged. "I kind of understand why she did it. Well, they decided to send me home for a month."

"What?" I exploded. "That's insane!"

"Yeah, it looks like the situation was worse than we thought." Sera said.

"Obviously." Stephanie huffed. "The authorities must be scared, with all those superheroes dying recently because of Ember."

"But on the bright side," Sera continued. "They won't be coming after you two anytime soon. I made sure to leave you guys out when they interrogated me."

"Sera." I suddenly grabbed her shoulders, pulling her closer to me. "Stop talking about it like it's nothing. What if you had been found out? You would be in serious trouble." Sera's expression changed to a more sheepish one as I talked. "You should have just told them it was my book to begin with..."

Sera waved away my concern and guilt. "None of that is relevant anymore. What matters is that we get through this ordeal relatively unscathed." She broke into a dazzling smile. "This will be the last we ever hear of 'Unordinary.' This whole thing will be behind us when I come back to school in a month."

I sighed, a smile forming slowly on my face. "Well, I guess that's true."

"Hey, Stephanie?" Sera looked at her other friend. "Take care of John for me while I'm gone, okay?"

"Of course!" Stephanie gave her a thumbs-up. "I'll try my best."

The limousine behind Sera suddenly gave a loud honk, making all of us jump. "That's my driver. Probably my cue to go... I'll text you guys when I get home." She gave us a wave before jumping into the limo. 

I waved at her until the limo disappeared completely from view. Stephanie looked put out as we turned to hurry back into the school building. "It's only a month, right?" she mumbled gloomily.

"Yeah," I replied, equally gloomy. "Just a month..."

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