48: Go Home

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Stephanie's POV

"Stupid homework assignment," I muttered as I worked on my trigonometry homework. I scribbled out another answer, letting out a huge sigh as I worked. "Why does homework even exist? This. Is. So. Annoying." I broke off my rant as a notification popped up on my laptop. "My savior," I breathed as I clicked on it. A message from John?

John: < Stephanie, you need to come right now! >

Me: < ??? What's going on? Where are you?? >

John: < This is bad really bad >

Me: < John, tell me what's going on! What's wrong? >

John: < It's Sera! She's hurt really bad and I dunnowhattodo >

Me: < Wat?! Sera's hurt? But she's so strong, who could hurt her? >

John: < I don't know but please come over to my place right now. Help me take care of her please! >

Me: < Okok I'm on my way >

Whirling away from my laptop, I grabbed a thin jacket and rushed out of the apartment to John's house. I was able to get there in about ten minutes after running as fast as I could. I opened the door to his house and burst in to find John, Elaine, and Arlo standing over Seraphina's body on the floor.

"John!" I hurried over to his side. "What's-" I froze when I saw Sera. She was bleeding. Bleeding. The untouchable Ace was bleeding. She also seemed to be unconscious, oblivious to the situation around her. Glancing up, I met John's eyes. They were shining with the same amount of worry and shock I felt. "What happened to her?!"

John bit his lips while fiddling with his fingers. His gaze turned back to Elaine, who was healing Seraphina's wound. His face was dark. I've never seen him this worried before. I thought while waiting for him to answer.

"We... don't really know." John finally said. "I just found her in the house with blood all over herself. I called Arlo to come with Elaine so she could heal Sera. And then I messaged you on my laptop..."

"But... how," I started, my eyes fixed on Sera's face. "How could anyone do this to her? Her ability's too powerful for anyone to overpower her!" Then it hit me. Yes, her ability is powerful. So she must have not used her ability when she was attacked!

Elaine looked up and us, taking her hands away from Sera's body. Her voice trembled slightly as she spoke. "O-okay, all done. Most of the damage was from the stab wound. She should be fine now."

"Then why hasn't she woken up yet?" When John spoke, Elaine visibly flinched, and I didn't blame her. His voice was low, dangerous. Well, I couldn't exactly blame him for being mad either; our best friend was just attacked.

"I-It's strange..." Elaine shivered when she spoke. "She's perfectly healthy. Yet, something is off."

"Something is off, huh?" John exploded. "No sh*t! Anyone could have figured that out! What, exactly? Be specific!"

With a frightened squeak, Elaine held up her hands in front of her in a defensive position. "I-I don't know! That's beyond my power!"

"So you're useless! You call yourself a healer?!" John raised his arm, probably about to hit her.

"John!" I said sharply, and he froze. I stared pointedly up at him. "It's not her fault. Calm down, please."

With a huge sigh, John lowered his arm. He moved over to Sera, copying Elaine's healing ability and scanning for other injuries. He paused briefly, before turning her head to the side and revealing a small cut in the skin on her neck.

"What the hell is this?" John grumbled.

"A needle. Maybe she was injected with a drug." Arlo frowned, a thoughful expression on his face. "That's why she's not waking up."

I tilted my head toward the blonde. "But how did they catch her?"

Arlo just shrugged, while John finished checking Sera for more wounds. "I don't care about that," his voice was low and deathly quiet, suppressed rage quivering in his tone of voice. "All I want to know is who did this to her."

No one moved as John silently picked up Seraphina in his arms, carrying her up to his room.

I cleared my throat after a moment of uncomfortable silence. "So, uh, any ideas of who might have attacked her?"

Arlo looked unsure. "I have no idea. But whoever did this- the one responsible is running around the city right now. They must be incredibly powerful to have overpowered Seraphina like that. Not to mention they could come back at any moment."

He looked so unsettled, and I tried to reassure him. "Well, we have John, and he's really strong. He could protect us, probably."

At the mention of John, Arlo's gaze sharpens into a glare. Ah, maybe I shouldn't have said anything...

Now feeling even more uncomfortable, I headed to the kitchen. "I'm going to grab some water," I announce, then quickly make my way out of the tense atmosphere.

As I sipped my water, I couldn't help going back to worrying about Sera. She will be okay, right? I mean, it's Sera I'm talking about, after all. But I've never seen her like that before. Just who could have attacked her?

No one like EMBER, right?

I gave my head a shake to settle my thoughts, putting the glass back and heading to the living room where I saw Elaine and Arlo seated on the couch. As i approached, I heard Arlo mutter, "Elaine, I already told you. As long as nobody pisses him off, nothing will change."

Somehow the air seemed to be even thicker than before, and I turned and headed straight back into the kitchen. Yeah, I'm not getting caught up in that...


It was just beginning to get dark outside when John finally descended down the stairs into the living room. His dark expression still remained, cold and brooding.

"Has anything changed with Sera?" I asked him, ignoring the fact that he looked ready to kill someone.

"No." John's answer was short and brisk, like he was trying to speak as less as possible.

"I could help take care of her, if you'd like." I offered, wanting to help both him and Sera.

"No," he said again, surprising me with his coldness towards even me. "Go home."

"What? Why?" I demanded, glancing at Arlo and Elaine, who were watching us. "They're spending the night here,"  I pointed out.

John snapped, "Because they can actually help, albeit very little."

"What do you mean by that?" I said back, a bit hurt.

"Isn't it obvious?" He growled. "Just go home."

I was about to snap back at him when I saw the anxiety and worry in his golden eyes. He's just worried about me, I realized. He thinks the attacker might come here, and he doesn't want me to get hurt.

Oh, John. I let out a sigh, giving in. "Fine," I grumbled in defeat. "I'll go home. Just... be careful, alright? And take care of Seraphina."

John just nodded, already turning away to head back up the stairs. I stared at his retreating back for a few seconds before making my way out of his house and to my own home.

Everything will be fine, right?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2019 ⏰

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