19: Spilled Beans

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Blyke's POV

I walked slowly in the direction of the school with a bunch of papers in my hand. I was studying for my test, but also sort of thinking about Stephanie at the same time. 'Her ability...' I thought. 'Her level... why did she hide it?' I was thinking so hard that I didn't notice Isen rushing at me from the back.

"Gooood Morning!" He shouted as loud as he could into my ear while giving me a push. 

"Gah! Sonovab*tch!" I screamed, my papers crinkling in my hand. "Isen!" I turned around, extremely annoyed. "What the hell is wrong with you? You're so freaking loud!" 

The orange haired boy just grinned at me. "Relax man." He glanced at the band-aids on my face. "Woah, you look terrible. Did Turf Wars kick your ass again?"

"Shaddup!" I retorted, embarrassed that he was half-right. "At least I'm strong enough to make it onto the roster!"

"Hey, I could totally make it to Turf Wars if I wanted to!" Now it was Isen's turn to look flustered. "I'm just not into that kind of stuff."

"Yeahsurewhateveryousayibelieveyou." I mumbled. "Anyway," I said in a louder voice. "I'll have you know that Seraphina went yesterday!"

I grinned as Isen's jaw dropped open. "No way! You got to see her in action?" he exclaimed. "Aww man, you're so lucky. She must have wiped the other team out!"

"Well, actually," I corrected. "She didn't even fight. But Stephanie attacked Ar-" I broke off as I thought of what Arlo would do to me if I told anyone. "Erm, I just remembered I'm not supposed to talk about it."

Isen stared at me, a frown on his face. "Seriously? You're just going to leave me hanging?" I looked away, uncomfortable, as I wanted to tell him. He must have realized, because he said, "Come on, I know you can't keep a secret. Just tell me about it, and you'll feel better."

After hesitating a bit longer, I sighed. "Fine. But promise not to tell anyone."

He nodded. "Sure! So who's Stephanie?"

"She's in our grade. Transferred her about a week ago." I smiled, thinking of my new friend. "Dark blue hair, emerald green eyes."

"Okay..." Isen shrugged. "So, what about her? She was at the Turf War? Why? She's not a Royal."

"She tagged along with Seraphina. They're friends." I replied. "She attacked Arlo yesterday when he went overboard fighting the Agwin Queen. She actually broke through his barrier!"

"What?!" Isen's eyes widened.

"I know, right?" I laughed. "I was so surprised."

"Is that all?" He asked me, fiddling with his pen. When I nodded, he sprinted away, yelling, "Thanks! I remembered I need to go to school early! See you later!"

I blinked at his behavior. "Huh, weird." I said to myself.

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