Chapter 24 - Merry Christmas!!

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Ivan's P.O.V.

I woke up with the constant ringing of my mobile. Groaning, I extended my hand to search for my mobile and then bring it near my eyes. I opened my eyes only to be hit by the bright rays of my mobile screen and it hurts my head badly.

Wrong move!!

I tapped the red button annoyingly. My head hurt like hell. I felt as if tons of stones have been placed over it. Cursing under my breath, I got up. I found myself lying on the floor. A pillow was below my head and my body was covered with a quilt. My hands were bandaged. I found medicine and a glass of water next to me. I immediately took two pills and pulled them down my throat. I felt heavy head and I again slept.

I woke up for the second time and it was afternoon by this time. I removed the quilt and stood up from the floor. My backache like anything but my floor seems tidy. I thought about last night. There were no broken glasses around me. My hands which were bleeding were cured by Hazel. She even covered my body with a quilt. Tears formed at the periphery of my eyes.

I walked inside the bathroom and took a hot shower. My body was aching. My head was still throbbing in pain, my cut wounds sting. I wore a black shirt and black denim. Folding my shirt upto my sleeves, I tried to place a fresh bandage around the cut but failed.

A knock on my door made me look up. "Come in", I replied and Hazel walked in. I stood up from my seat. She had worn a black knee-length dress. Her hair were open falling carelessly on her shoulder.

"You're awake finally", she said as she walked to me. She made me sit on my bed and sat next to me. She applied ointment on my hand and wrapped a bandage over it. My eyes were fixed to her face only.

"Why are you being so nice to me?", I asked and she looked at me with those beautiful eyes of hers.

"Will you come with me?", She asked.

"Where?", I asked.

"It's Adrian's birthday. We're going to meet her", she said with a smile. My heart clenched against my chest. I gulped down my guilt and nodded. I couldn't look into her eyes anymore.

"Come outside when you're ready", saying so she walked out of my room. Picking up my sorry self, I just adjusted my messy hair and picked up my mobile. I opened it whilst walking out of my room. It was a call from Joe.

I back called her and kept my mobile over my ear. After coming in the hall, I saw Emma playing with Aiden in her arms. Hazel was looking at them happily. If it weren't me, Aiden would have been playing with her real mother and father. Guilt is eating my heart out.

"Hello", Joe's voice from another side of line broke my trance.

"Hey. You called?", I asked.

"Good afternoon sleepy head. Why didn't you pick my call earlier?", She asked.

"I'm sorry Joe. I drank last night so I slept until afternoon", I apologised.

"Ok. No problem. Are you busy?", She asked.

"Why? Do you want anything?", I asked.

"Tomorrow is my exam but I've completed my syllabus already. Can you come up at my place? We can spend some time. I need a break", she said and my eyes landed on Hazel. She smiled at me.

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