Chapter 34 - Adrian!!

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Ron's P.O.V.

"Betrayal". One word which summed up my whole life. I laughed sarcastically thinking about my messed up life whilst looking out of the window from the cell I was imprisoned in for the punishment of the sins I've never done! I was being cornered to accept the crime which is not mine, I'm being forced to live a life which I don't want to live. I'm just helpless.

Tears rolled down my cheeks thinking about my pathetic life. No one believes me. No one trust me. Everyone consider me wrong. Why did you leave me, Adrian? You're the only one in this big world who believes me and now when you're not here, I'm miserable. You're the one who despite all odds stood by my side always. You're my strength, my life and my reason to survive.

Laying back on the hard cold stone bed, I left a deep sigh. Life never loved me. No matter how bad I tried to pull happiness towards me, they just showed me their back. Everytime I try to rise up, life push me down and hard.

Being born as a drunken mistake of a filthy rich teenager couple, I was abandoned because they couldn't abort me. I stayed in an orphanage for five years where they used to visit me but never treated me like a kid. Later, Mr. Hamithway adopted me and gave me a home to live. He was my real and so does his wife, my real mom who gave me so much love that I could die to get that much love just for one day again. They told me the value that relations made by heart are more stronger than blood relations. As soon as I turned twenty, my mom passed away. I broke down that day. That wasn't enough for life. One year later, dad too left me. Once an orphan, I again become one.

Coping up from their loss was hard on me. I indulged myself into studies and cleared my exam and became a Navy officer. Giving up my entire life for the sake of my country became my only goal. I had no reason to live for anyone else. I don't have a family. I don't have a lover. I was a loner. Joining Navy to serve for mankind was the best decision of my life. I know my parents would have been proud of me. My heart belonged to the country and my job until one day, I met her.

My Adrian!!



"Ok guys. We're having a group of college students for a trip of three days and four nights on our cruise. I want you all to be very attentive and not to make any mistake. Be alert all the time because I know how reckless and irresponsible theses college students are. Their life and your own life is now in your hands. If you find any person disobeying the rule, you're free to interrupt them and inform their teachers there and then. No breaking of rules and indiscipline will be tolerated. Am I clear?", Our captain said in his firm and authoritative voice.

"Yes sir", we all said in unison.

"Good. Over and out", he said and then walked away. We stood in our position till he was gone. As soon as he left, my only friend on this ship, Leon turned towards me. I and Leon are the only two officers who are in their early twenties.

"I've seen the group of students and I must say Ron, these girls are treat to eyes", he said and I shook my head.

"Stop talking rubbish. If you're planning to fool around then don't. You'll be kicked out of the job", I warned him and he rolled his eyes.

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