Chapter 47 - Bonus Chapter!!

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No one's P.O.V.

With a very bright smile on her face, Vena was walking out of the airport. After so many months of begging her parents, she finally gets the chance to flew to New York to meet her sister Adrian. She was dying to see her sister, her husband Dylan and her nephew Aiden. Holding her suitcase, she walked to get a cab. Adrian couldn't come to pick her up from the airport so Vena has to take a cab. Well, she could do that. She's a big girl now. She's sixteen after all.

With innocence in her eyes and a slight hesitation, she glanced all around herself. A cab driver who was a slightly old looking gave her a friendly smile and Vena melts. She's a softie inside. A word of care, sympathy is enough for her to melt away. Afterall, that's what she craves the most. Her parents adopted her because Adrian falls in love with her once she came to visit the orphanage for a school camp. Adrian wanted Vena to be her sister and that's how Vena became a part of the Aniston family. Vena's present parents don't like her much but Adrian gave her double love. Vena can handle any hatred, any insult and every hardship just to stay with Adrian.

They both were soul sisters. They're not united by blood but they have a heart connection. They both love each other to the core. Vena has no one except Adrian and she's way too possessive of her.

Vena walked to the cab driver and told him the address. The old man nodded and told her the fair. He also added, "You look like my granddaughter. I'll give you a discount".

People here are nice, Vena was naive enough to think this.

"You're so nice. Thank you", Vena said as she sat on the back seat. Soft music was playing in the car. Vena was so tired from the flight that she decided to close her eyes. She wasn't sleeping. She was enjoying the car ride and music with her eyes closed.

Her biggest mistake ever.

After around two songs later, the car stopped. Vena opened her eyes and frowned as she looked all around herself. The car was standing amidst broken dark buildings all around. The building itself screams danger.

"Where are we?", Vena asked. The old man looked behind and smirked.

"We reached our destination", he said. The good old man turned into a bad dangerous guy in a click of the finger.

"What do you mean?", Her voice stuttered.

"You're so young and so beautiful. I'll get a good deal from you", he mumbled as he looked at her from head to toe. Her throat went dry and her eyes teared up.

She opened the car's door and was all ready to run but that big guy held her before she could do anything. He held her hand firmly.

"Please let me go. You can take as much money as I've. Please don't do anything to me", she begged. She cried. She yelled. But not a single soul was there to listen to her.

"You're a million-dollar deal. How can I let this opportunity pass?", He said. He seemed very proud of himself. He started dragging her inside one of the building. She was trying way too hard to get free from his grip. Her situation was like a wounded animal who is stuck in a net and is fighting for freedom but all its attempts are futile.

Here's a saying. If God is there to protect you, he'll send his guide for you because he can't be there with you. Vena was praying to Jesus to save her. As if her prayers were so genuine that they're heard. A boy of around eighteen or nineteen-year-old walked out of the building. He was lighting his cigarette. He looked like her only hope.

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