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Luke walked into The Rooftop Club. It was quite the adventure. He had to go through a secret door, then a secret elevator, and finally, a secret hallway. After the hallway, he made it to the club.

"Hey I'm Jordan. You must be Luke?" A man looking like he was in his late twenties approached Luke as he was taking in the setting.

"Yea. That's me." They shook hands as a greeting.

"Well let's get down to business. You want to perform at the club?" Jordan gestured to their surroundings.

"Yea. That'd be awesome."

"I'm gonna need to hear you play first before I can make up my mind."

"Shit. I don't have my guitar with me." Luke internally face-palmed himself.

"We have one. No worries." Jordan laughed at Luke's nervousness. One of the workers at the club brought an electric guitar to Luke who sat on a stool ready to play.

"Any specific requests?" Luke asked, trying to impress Jordan so he had a better chance of getting the job.

"Do you know McFly?" Jordan questioned which made Luke excited, as he knew most of their songs by heart.

"Of course! They're one of my favorites! Which song?"

"Any of them!" Jordan wouldn't say it, but he was already starting to like Luke for the job.

Luke played the opening chords for Five Colours in Her Hair.

He sang the beginning sitting on the stool awkwardly until the chorus began and he forgot about anyone else in the room. He was jumping all around the stage singing the words with everything he had. The bridge started and he sang softly and swayed back and forth with the time. Then the chorus kicked in again and he played the last few chords with all his heart. He ended the song with the guitar in his lap as his knees were on the floor and he was leaning back.

He opened his eyes when he heard a loud round of applause. All the waiters, waitresses, and bartenders had stopped to watch Luke rock out. It was quiet after the applause. Everyone looked to Jordan to see his reaction. Jordan nodded his head slowly, and then threw his arms in the air.

"That was amazing, Lucas! You're hired! No questions asked!" Everyone who had applauded Luke's performance was now clapping for Luke to congratulate him on the job.

"It's Luke..." He coughed.

"Not anymore. I'm calling you Lucas from now on." The bartenders, waitresses and waiters had dispersed back to their stations. "We're opening in an hour or so." Luke was having a battle with himself. Should he tell Jordan that he was only eighteen? The legal age was twenty-one here. Would Jordan fire him since he's not of age? Luke decided to do the right thing.


"Yes, Lucas?"

"The legal age is twenty-one, right?"

"Yea, why?"

"I'm only eighteen."

"You are? I never would've noticed." Jordan sent a message using his eyes to tell Luke that he could get away with being twenty-one. "Just don't drink any alcoholic beverages, okay?" Luke nodded. He was silently thanking whoever sent him this gift.

Luke called Elsa, Michael, Ashton, and Calum to come watch the first gig. Jordan put their names on the list so they wouldn't have to show ID.

"Luke!" Elsa called out as the four of them walked in. Wait...five of them? "I'm so happy for you! I can't wait to watch!" Mary Kate, the waitress from Midnight Café was standing quietly next to Elsa.

"Hey Mary Kate!" Luke called out to her. Luke wouldn't say it out loud, but he secretly liked Mary Kate. A lot. Mary Kate waved back with a smile on her face.

Soon enough, people of age began piling into the club. Jordan and Luke had agreed on a set list.

Set list:

1. First Date - Blink-182

2. Fluorescent Adolescent - Arctic Monkeys

3. Harder To Breathe - Maroon 5

4. Naive - The Kooks

5. Our Song - Matchbox Twenty

6. Pumped Up Kicks - Foster The People

7. Roller Coaster - Blink-182

8. Runaway - Ed Sheeran

9. Say You Like Me - We The Kings

10. Sex - The 1975

11. Somebody Told Me - The Killers

12. Backseat Serenade - All Time Low

13. Don't - Ed Sheeran

14. Crashed The Wedding - Busted

It had taken effort from both Jordan and Luke to find the perfect set list. Luke had given Jordan a list of every song that he knows by heart. They picked songs from that selection. Luke promised that he would learn many more songs that he could play at the club.

His first gig was a hit. He had girls approaching him throughout the set. It made Luke a bit uncomfortable because they were all older than him. He had to admit the attention felt amazing. He knew he had scored big time.

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