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Michael and Calum lay in one bed while Luke and Ashton lay in the other. The four of them were wide-awake.

"So what do you guys think of him?" Luke asked as he stared up at the ceiling.


"You mean Josh?"


"I don't think he's right for her." Calum's opinion made Michael feel a little better about what he had been thinking about Josh.

"What do you think, Ashton?"

"He's not very nice..."

"I second that."

"He doesn't seem to care about what she says or anything she does."

"That's what I was thinking." The room was silent. Michael was the only one who hasn't stated his opinion.

"What do you think, Michael?" Michael cleared his throat, unaware of how he should answer. "Mike?"

"I'm not a fan of douchebag guys."

"I don't think anyone is." Luke laughed at Michael's confession.

"Elsa seems to be." He replied with no emotion evident in his voice.


"He is kind of a douchebag." Calum agreed with Michael.

"He doesn't deserve her." He stated simply. "She deserves a whole lot better than him."

"It's hard to find someone who will give you what you need or want."

"She needs someone that will love her, take care of her when she's sick, treat her right, listen to what she has to say, and just...just hold her and tell her how beautiful she is." Michael rambled while the others listened.

"Where do you suppose she'll find someone like that?"

"He's right under her nose." He whispered before pulling the covers over his head and hoping for a peaceful sleep.

The next day was spent walking around the city, being mobbed by fans, and eating more pizza.

"Why are you guys in NYC?!" A fan yelled as they stopped to say hi and take selfies.

"A wedding." Luke replied with a smile.

"Who's getting married?!" Another fan asked.

"Our good friend." They left the mob and made their way to Elsa's apartment to wish her one last good luck before the wedding.

After one knock, Elsa opened the door with tears in her eyes.

"Hey guys." She welcomed them with a shaky voice. They walked in and took a seat on the couch.

"Elsa? You okay?"

"Yea, of course. Why wouldn't I be okay?" She rushed, sounding shaken up.

"You don't sound okay."

"I'm fine." She growled lowly, hoping to get the message across that they should stop asking.

"You guys want to go out for a little while?"

"But it's already seven."

"That's okay. Let's go." Without waiting for a reply, Elsa grabbed her winter coat and walked out of the apartment.

"Okay. Tell us what happened." Luke demanded.

"Nothing. He was just upset. That's all." She replied but she didn't sound confident with her answer.

Michael and Calum whispered among themselves as they continued walking to an unknown destination.

"Wait, Elsa." Everyone halted at Michael's change in voice.


"Why the fuck is there a red handprint on your cheek?" Michael's face was growing red as were the rest of the boys.

"Oh...It's not a handprint. I...I fell down the stairs and I accidentally hit my hand on my face."

"That's the worst excuse I've ever heard." Ashton said flatly, not amused one bit.

"Did he hit you?"

"No... He didn't. He just got a little frustrated. It was a mistake." She laughed nervously and continued walking.


"What?" She whined.

"You can't just let this go." Calum spoke to her as if she were five. Who did she turn into? The Elsa they knew would walk away from a guy like that.

"He said it was a mistake. It's no big deal!" She yelled, growing annoyed with the four. "I'm marrying him tomorrow. It won't happen again. He promised. But I'm marrying him and that's it." The boys sighed and continued the walk. They hesitantly dropped Elsa back at her apartment and went back to their hotel room to get some sleep for tomorrow.

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