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They were in Los Angeles. Elsa didn't come along. She told them that it should be a band moment. They protested but she refused.

"Hi. We're 5 Seconds of Summer."

"Hello. Do you have an appointment?" The receptionist asked.


"It's okay, Jess. They're with me." An official looking man walked out from an office and gestured to the boys to follow him into his office.

"Hello, boys. I'm Stewart. I was the manager that called you a week ago asking for you to come in."


"Loosen up, boys. I'm not judging you, yet." The sense of humor coming from the manager helped them to relax a little.

"So I'm sure you know about the publicity you've received from the tweets that were written by One Direction's Louis Tomlinson and Niall Horan." They nodded. "Well we've had a chat with them about your music." The boys were internally freaking out but they tried their best to stay professional. "They suggested that we offer you a record deal. We don't usually take advice from musical artists that aren't our clients but One Direction is at the top of the charts right now. How could we not listen to them?"

"Was that a rhetorical question?"

"Yes. But I'll just say it. Would you like to sign a record deal?"

The boys glanced at each other before answering.

"Yes." The four of them spoke simultaneously.


"We signed with them!" Ashton yelled into the phone.

"I'm so proud of you guys!" Elsa replied. "So have you guys planned your stadium tour yet?" Elsa giggled over the line causing the boys to laugh as well.

"Yes. We're touring with One Direction. Didn't we tell you?" Ashton joked.

"Ha, ha. Funny. I love you guys so much. But I have to make dinner. My co-worker Josh is coming over. I'll talk to you guys later, okay?" Ashton's happy mood disappeared into thin air.

"Okay. Bye." Ashton hung up the phone without waiting for Elsa's response.

"Damn, Ash. You look upset. Should we call Elsa so you can talk to her about it?" Luke suggested.

"No. I was just on the phone with her."


"Her co-worker Josh is going over for dinner."

"That's great! At least she's not sitting home by herself!"

"No, you idiot! It's not great! She's going to replace us with a boyfriend!"

"Oh, Ash. She won't replace us. She loves us. Now go get dressed because we're heading to a meeting with management that wants to sign us." Ash did as told but still had a terrible feeling about Elsa's date.

"We're 5 Seconds of Summer. We were told to be here at five-thirty for an appointment with Modest Management."

"I'll ring them up. You can take a seat in the waiting area for now." When they walked into the waiting area, they noticed different types of people sitting around in bland blue chairs.

"Thanks, boys. Next meeting is in four weeks. We'll see you then." Three guys, looking around the age of 30 or so, walked out of an office and headed towards the exit until Michael stopped them.

"Excuse me, I don't mean to bother you...but are you guys Scouting For Girls?"

"We have girlfriends..." One of them smirked.

"No. I mean are you the band Scouting For Girls?" The three other boys were looking up at Michael now to see whom he had been talking to.

"We are." The three men from Scouting For Girls smiled at Michael. "I like your hair by the way." Those were the last words they said before leaving the suite.

"Holy shit." Michael spoke aloud, turning to face the Luke, Calum and Ashton. "Did you just see that?"

"Yes. Oh my god." Luke was just as shocked as Michael. Calum didn't care much for the band but he was still a little excited. Ashton was still in shock over being in the same room as them.

"5 Seconds of Summer?" The boys stood up and headed over to where their name was called. Another official looking man greeted them. "Let's go in." The four followed and sat down in the cushioned chairs.

"Let's get down to it. I'm Richard, Modest Management Manager." Calum giggled because of the word choice. "Something funny?"

"No, sir. Sorry." The man cleared his throat and continued.

"Well, we brought you in because our ideal goal is to sign you. We're working with Little Mix, One Direction, Scouting For Girls, etc. We think you have great potential and that you'd go far as a band. We'd prefer if you got back to us today."

The four looked at each other and had a small discussion in a huddle.

"We'll sign with Modest."

"That's gr-"

"But we can't have a management that doesn't have a sense of humor. We need to work with people who are funny." Ashton interrupted, completely and utterly serious. If this management would be strict all the time, then they wouldn't sign.

"Fine." Ashton cocked an eyebrow. "Oh, sorry. Whatever, you silly goose." Richard threw his hand out as if he were telling Ashton he looked fabulous. "We'll call your hotel room later when everything has been confirmed."

Everyone in the room shared one last laugh and agreed as the boys left the room.

Ashton felt his phone go off.


"I miss you guys." She was quietly crying on the other side of the country. She had finished dinner with Josh but when he left, she realized she was alone again.

"We miss you loads. Elsa, you don't sound too good."

"I'm okay. I just really miss you. I miss cuddling with you and being with the four of you."

"Are you crying? Elsa..." Ashton responded. His voice was filled with sympathy. "I've got good news!"

"What?" Elsa secretly hoped that the news was that they were coming back to New York City.

"We signed with a management!"

"I'm so proud of you guys!"

"I have to go, Elsa. I'll call you later, okay?" She agreed and hung up the phone. She silently slid down onto the kitchen floor. The apartment was so empty and boring.

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