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Two weeks had gone by.

Luke would perform four times a week at The Rooftop Club. Of course, Mary Kate would attend each and every show. When she wasn't attending his shows, she spent her time waitressing at the Midnight Café. Luke, Calum, Ashton, Michael and Elsa would meet up there every other day for a chat and some coffee even though they would see each other every night.

Michael and Ashton had been learning multiple songs and they practiced until Elsa's shift was over. She was surprised when she learned that her boss didn't have a problem with Michael and Ash playing the instruments. He said that it was actually promoting the sounds that the instruments make. He also mentioned how sales have increased in the instruments that both Michael and Ash have been playing.

When the store was empty except for the three of them, Elsa would listen to them play and critique any errors. She had gotten Michael into the habit of making eye contact while singing so he wasn't staring at the floor. She had taught Ashton to make sure that he was hitting the drums the correct way so he wouldn't puncture the kit.

After another day in the city, the three went back to the apartment to see Calum on the couch with no sight of Mary Kate or Luke since they were at the club.

"Where do you guys spend all of your time? I feel left out." Calum whined.

"Should I tell him?"

"But it's our secret."

"Shut up, Michael."

"We have to tell him. He'll think it's cool."

"Guys...I'm right here. I can hear you." Calum interrupted their discussion.

"Michael and Ashton have been practicing guitar and drums in the music store that I work at. They sound so good together! You should hear them! They've learned so many songs!" Elsa gushed.

"You didn't deem it necessary to tell her that I play bass guitar?" Calum said obnoxiously to Ashton and Michael.

"I swear I totally forgot, mate!" Michael threw his hands up in surrender.

"Calum, you do?! You should start practicing with them!"

"I don't want to intrude." Calum really wanted to play with them but he didn't want to disrupt what they already had going on.

"You wouldn't. That would actually be pretty cool if you joined. We could make a band for fun or something." Ashton chuckled, thinking that nothing would come out of it. It would just be something to do on the side.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! We meet up at around five-thirty everyday when our shifts end and head to the music store that Elsa works at. You've been there before."

"I know where it is. I'll go tomorrow. Thanks." Cal smiled genuinely and went back to paying attention to the TV.

All four of them ate mac and cheese that Elsa made. Of course, it was from a box. After eating dinner, they shared two pints of Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream, one pint of Half Baked and one pint of Americone Dream. Both pints were empty by the time they fell asleep.

The next morning was a Saturday. Everyone slept in late except for Luke and Mary Kate who went out for breakfast and a day in Central Park. Once Michael, Ashton, Calum and Elsa were awake, they made plans for a shopping spree. Little did the boys know that Elsa was planning on buying Michael a guitar, Ashton a drum kit, and Calum a bass guitar. She had been saving up money for the past couple months for this. Since there were only three employees at the music shop at which Elsa worked, she was paid more than average because she worked more.

"Why are we at the music shop?"

"I don't know. Let's go in though." Calum shrugged. Elsa opened the door and the three instruments were placed in the center of the store in their boxes. She had asked her boss to have them ready for when she brought the boys in. Thankfully, her boss didn't make her pay full price for each instrument.

"What are these doing in the middle of the store?"

"I don't know."

"Why are there bows on them?"

"Do you know anything about this, Elsa?"

"Maybe..." The three boys looked at her like lost puppies. "Read the cards." She gave up on letting them figure it out by themselves.

"No.... What?"

"You didn't."

"You bought us these."

"Maybe..." Elsa had a massive grin across her face as she took in the reactions the boys were giving her.

"Holy shit. Thank you, Elsa." Ashton was first to attack her with a hug. Michael came running quickly after with Calum not far behind.

"They were probably expensive. Can I help pay for a little bit?" Calum started pulling his wallet out of his back pocket but Elsa stopped him.

"No. My boss gave them to me for half the price since you boys have improved the sales! I expect you to use these." Elsa sent them a stern look. They nodded, picked up their instruments and headed home. Thankfully, Ashton's drum kit was one that you put together so Elsa held one big box and Ashton held another.

After dropping their instruments down, they ate a quick dinner so they could practice. They were so eager to start playing.

"Elsa! Come listen to this!" She walked into the living room where the boys were practicing. "We're learning a Blink-182 song! Listen to what we have so far!"

"Which song?"

"You'll know it when you hear it." Michael smirked and began playing with Ashton tapping lightly on the drums.

Hello there, the angel from my nightmare
The shadow in the background of the morgue
The unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley.
We can live like Jack and Sally if we want.

"Are you guys crazy?!"

"Was it that bad?"

"No! Blink-182 are going to sue you for covering their song a lot better than the original!"

"Really?! Was it really good?"

"Yes! It sounded amazing!" Ashton mumbled a small 'yes' since he was so happy that he actually sounded good on the drums. His passion for the drums was growing more than before. "You guys can't do this just for fun. You guys have talent! Post it on YouTube or something!" Elsa was way more excited than any of the boys were and she knew this would turn into something big if they really tried.

"I guess we could do that...What do you think, lads?"


"Why not?"

"Okay. We'll do it." Michael confirmed with a smile on his face. "You have to videotape it, though." Elsa nodded rapidly, excited for this happen.

"Should we post one now?"

"What song would we do?"

"How about If It Means A Lot To You by A Day To Remember?"

"Yes! We've practically mastered that song!" Elsa ran to get her video camera and sat it down on the table so it would be still. The boys played the song with intensity and devotion. Elsa stopped recording as soon as it was over and prepared to post it on YouTube.

"What should we call it? You guys need an account! But what are you going to name yourselves?" The room grew silent.

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