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AN: Look at the picture before reading.

Five Months Later

The four boys had been touring with One Direction for almost three months. The nine were getting along very well.

It's been almost five months of not talking to Elsa. She hadn't ditched them. Luke and Calum were willing to accept that they had been the first to ditch. On the other hand, Michael and Ashton refused to believe it.

Michael felt broken without Elsa by his side, cuddling with him at night. But he knew it was wrong for him to think that. She was happy with someone else.

Ashton felt lost without Elsa as his portable therapist. She was there to help him in every situation. But that's all gone now. He's alone. He knows he has the other three boys but he still feels alone.

"Mail for Ashton, Luke, Calum and Michael." A member of the touring staff read as he walked into the bus. He threw the envelopes onto the counter and left.

"More spam." Luke assumed as he headed over to pick up the envelopes and hand them out. Everyone quickly sorted through their pile but stopped when they saw a silver envelope. Each boy held one in his hands.

"Each of us has one." Calum noted.

"No shit." Michael mumbled.

"What is it?" Ashton asked, seeming worried.

"It's not that big of a deal, guys. Just open it. We get this shit all the time." Michael brushed it off but he knew that this envelope wasn't anything normal. If anything, it was abnormal. The envelopes they usually receive are white and boring. This time, they're painted silver with fancy stamps. The return address was labeled from New York City.

"I don't know, Michael." Ashton hesitated.

"Just open the damn thing. It's not that big of a deal."

"Let's at least open it together." Luke suggested and everyone agreed. "Go." They carefully slid their thumbs through the top of the envelope, opening it. They pulled out a white card, outlined in sparkles and fancy writing.

"What the fuck?" Calum was the first to speak.

"This can't be happening."

"They've only been dating for like three months."

"They've been dating for seven. They started dating when we left for the first time."

"Fuck." Michael whispered. He was truly disappointed in himself. He never thought he would feel so stupid. "Too late. I'm too late." He mumbled to himself as he shook his head.

Three Months Later

November 2nd 2014

"Should we send it?"

"We should."

"We have to go."

"She's the reason we're where we are now."

"Just put it in the mail box. The RSVP date is next week. We can't debate much longer." Calum pointed out.


"Shut up!" Luke grabbed the four envelopes out of Michael's grasp and tossed them in to the mailbox.

"There's no taking it back now." Ashton sighed.

"Not unless I take them out."

"Don't even think about it, Michael. You know it would be wrong not to go."

"I know. It's just...She was my best friend and we don't even talk anymore."

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