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"Look, I'm sorry I wasn't at work. I-"

"Elsa went to your store to see if you were there! She went to-"

"To bring me food. I know. I'm sorry I wasn't there. Can I have her back now?" Michael was growing frustrated that Ashton wouldn't back down.

"Am I a toy or something?" Elsa yelled as she sat up in bed. "Christ, Michael. Where were you?!" She was standing on the opposite side of the room from Michael.

"Can we talk about this in a different room...alone?" Elsa didn't budge. She crossed her arms and stood still. "Elsa, please. I'm sorry. Please let me explain."

"Fine." She had caved in and was already regretting it. They walked into their room and Michael sat down on the rose-colored bed sheets. Elsa had demanded that she would pick the sheets for their bed. Instead of sitting, Elsa stood in front of Michael waiting for an explanation. "Explain."

"Can you sit, please?" She didn't move. "This is really hard for me to admit to you. Please give me a chance to explain. Please don't be mad at me." Michael was practically begging.

"Dammit, Michael. Just explain."

"I'm scared."

"Of what?"

"What you'll think."

"Really?" She didn't believe him.

"It's been making me nervous. I've been so nervous I could hardly eat.

"I've seen you eating the frozen pizza that's been in the fridge."

"I'm sorry. I'm also a nervous eater."

"Get to the goddamn point."

"Elsa, please be open-minded about this."

"I'm just getting more and more aggravated."

"You aren't listening to me, Elsa. Please." Michael's eyes were brimming with tears. He never cries. Elsa knew that he never cries. She finally stopped being stubborn and sat next to Michael so he could explain. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For what I did before we left." Elsa pulled him into a hug. His tears were soaking her shirt.

"But look where it's gotten us. All of us have a new life now. Thanks to you."


"No buts. Luke has an amazing job. Thanks to who?"

"Me?" Michael sniffled.

"Yes. Calum's going to improve his arm muscles, because of scooping ice cream, thanks to who?"


"Ashton is learning how to play the drums thanks to who?"

"He is?"

"Yes. Now thanks to who?"


"You know why?" Michael shook his head. "Because you made a stupid mistake. That stupid mistake brought us here and is giving all of us new experiences."


"Got it?"

"Yes." Michael was still feeling unconfident about himself being the reason for everyone's happiness.

"Now stop crying or else you're going to make me cry." She took her shirtsleeve and wiped away Michael's tears. "You never cry. What's going on?"

Michael took a deep breath. "Elsa, I've been going to therapy." She took a deep breath in response, shocked by his answer. "Elsa, Elsa, Elsa, say something. Please?" Tears were streaming down his face again. This is the reaction that he was afraid of.


"I...I...I just needed someone to talk to about what happened. I put the five of us in a lot of danger and I never want that to happen again." It was quiet again; only the sniffles from Michael could be heard.

"I'm so proud of you." Elsa pulled Michael into the tightest hug imaginable. "Thank you." Michael had the biggest smile on his face.

"Thank you for understanding." He mumbled into her shoulder.

"So that's where you go on Monday nights?" He nodded.


"I was so worried, Michael. I thought you were getting into another one of your habits." He shook his head, his bleached hair moving against her neck.

"No. I could never. Not after what it's done to us."

"You are amazing. I'm so happy that you know what you're doing. It makes me happy beyond belief." He put a broken smile on his face. Elsa knew he was still a little shaken up from telling something so personal, and from crying which he hasn't done in years. He always put on a brave face.

"Can we sleep now?"

"Yea. I'm exhausted." They climbed into bed together like usual and intertwined themselves. Elsa quickly fell asleep with her head tucked under Michael's chin. It took quite some time for Michael to fall asleep as he had a proud smile across his face. He couldn't believe how things were working out.

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