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One and a Half Months Later

December 15th 2014

"Only a two months left before the wedding..." Ashton mumbled while everyone was on their phone or laptop, silently.


"We should call her." Luke suggested. "She deserves a call."

"Do we have to? It'll be so awkward." Michael whined even though he really wanted to see her.

"I'm agreeing with Michael on this one, Luke. It will be beyond awkward." Calum spoke, truthfully.

"Fine. I'll call her and you guys can leave the room when I'm talking to her." He paused, quitting out of every application on his laptop except FaceTime. "Ashton, do you want to join me or Cal and Mike?"

"I'll join you." Ashton smiled, thankful that he would get to see her again. Luke patted the seat next to him, and Ashton sat down as Luke started calling.

"It's connecting. Holy shit." Luke whispered looking up at Ashton and then Michael and Calum. "Are you guys going to leave or are you going to complain that Ash and I are talking to her?"

"Oh my god! Guys!" Elsa's voice came through the laptop.


"Hi Elsa!" Both Ashton and Luke waved through the camera.

"I miss you guys so much! I'm so happy you're coming to the wedding!"

"I can't believe you're actually getting married." Luke sighed.

Elsa agreed, and told them about her plans. "Neither can I. It's crazy. So much planning."

"Did you tell your parents?"

"I tried to but I couldn't get ahold of them. I tried calling all of our parents actually. None of them would pick up." Tears welled up in Elsa's eyes. Her parents didn't care and neither did the boys parents.

"Who's walking you down the aisle then?"

"Me, Myself, and I." Elsa blinked rapidly, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall.

"I could walk you down the aisle." Luke suggested, expecting a no.

"That's sweet, Luke. But you don't have to."

"I know I don't have to, but I want to."

"Okay... If you really, really want to." Luke did a small cheer so Elsa could see his excitement. "Still the same Luke as before."

Both sides of the call went silent.

"Listen, guys. I am so sorry for not keeping in touch. I didn't want to get in the way of everything. I wanted to let you guys discover the world without me holding you back."

"You weren't holding us back. If anything, your leaving was holding us back." Ashton finally made some commentary.

"I miss you guys." Elsa spoke, tears finally falling down her face. "Where are Mike and Cal?"

"They..." Luke cleared his throat, unaware of what to say.

Ashton answered for him. "They thought the call would be super awkward so they left.

"Aww. That's too bad. I'd love to see them too."

"I'll get them." Luke stood up from the couch and went to go find Michael and Calum, leaving Ashton to talk to Elsa.

Elsa began the conversation, knowing that Ashton wasn't the best at talking. "So, Ash, how've you been?"

"Pretty good."

"Any special ladies?" She pressed.

"No. It's been boring around here except for the touring and stuff."

"I am so proud of you. You've come so far." A genuine smile took over Elsa's face.

"If you know what I mean."

"Ashton! I'm serious!"

"I know, I know. But none of this would've happened without you, you know? You're the reason we're out here." He told her honestly.

"I've got them!" Luke announced as he walked into back into the room with two boys on his arms.

Mumbles and whines were heard but Elsa couldn't see what was happening. Soon, Michael and Cal landed in front of the camera with Luke and Ash sitting behind them.

"Hi, Cal!"

"Hi, Elsa."

"Hi, Mikey."

"Hi, Elsa."

"Simmer down, guys. You're just too loud." She joked causing the boys to laugh a little.

"They just feel awkward because we haven't talked to you in a while." Luke explained, glaring at the boys.

"I miss all of you so much. I'm so happy we can see each other during the wedding." Elsa attempted to get some words out of them but it was quite difficult.

"Who are you talking to, Els?" An unknown voice was heard from the boy's laptop.

Josh's picture came into the screen and he took a seat next to Elsa.

"Remember them? I told you lots about them." Elsa gestured to her laptop screen.

"I don't remember them." He replied not very interested in the four boys.

"Okay. Well, the blonde one with spikey hair is Luke." Luke waved so Josh could see who he was. "The one with curly, dirty blonde hair is Ashton." Ashton smiled, his dimples showing. "The Asian-looking one is Calum."

"Hey!" Calum defended himself. Elsa knew he wasn't Asian but she knew it annoyed him.

"Shut up, Cal. You know you're used to it."

"Rude." He scoffed.

"Asian." She mumbled just loud enough for Calum to hear.

"Shut up!"

"Anyway, the one with purple hair, and an eyebrow piercing is Michael."

"Oh! That's Michael?" Josh recognized him from when he came into the record store and ruined the first time he was going to ask Elsa out.



"It's nice to meet you, Josh." Luke responded on behalf of the four of them.

"Nice to meet you, too."

"Since you called, we have a question that we want to ask the four of you." Elsa announced, a proud smile on her face.

"You do?" Michael asked, not afraid to talk anymore.

"We do. Josh, do you want to ask?" Josh nodded and began speaking.

"So, as you know, at every wedding, there's groomsmen. We were wondering if you boys would like to be a part of that."

The line went silent. Each boy had a look of shock on his face.

"You in? Well, except Luke because he's walking me down the aisle."

"He is?" Michael asked. He was confused as to why he was doing so.

"Hey! I want to walk you down the aisle!" Calum shouted. Elsa turned down the volume on her computer. Calum was always the loud one.

"Okay, the both of you can. Then, Michael and Ash can be the groomsmen. We've got more planning to do so we have to go but we'll keep in touch, okay? Love you guys! Bye!"

She ended the call leaving Michael, Ash, Cal and Luke to their thoughts.

"She put us in the wedding."

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