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February 10th 2015

"I called a cab to come get us." Luke said as they made their way off of the plane.

"I'm so nervous."

"Me too."

"There is no reason to be nervous, guys. She loves us just the same as before." Ashton assured.

"That's my bag! Grab it before it has to go around again!" Luke yelled at Michael who was standing by the luggage carousel. After waiting half an hour for all the bags, they headed out to the taxi. They were in a bad mood now because one of the bags was 'accidentally' put on a different plane to New York. Calum was left with no luggage while the other boys had all of their clothing. Hopefully the bag would be there before the wedding or else he wouldn't have a tux.

As they exited the airport, holding onto the bags they had, a man with a large sign that said '5SOS' stood in the sea of girls. The man rushed over when he saw us and we ran to the limousine that was awaiting us.

"A limo?" The massive black car surprised Ashton. "I thought we were taking a taxi?"

"I thought so too but I'm not complaining." They told the driver the address of their hotel and slept on the way there.

"We're here." Luke yawned and wiped the sleep out of his eyes. The four boys made their way into the hotel and quickly rushed up to their reserved room. It was planned that they would stay in the hotel that they first came to when they left California. It brought back forgotten memories.

"We're not going out tonight. It's ten at night right now. Let's just stay in and tell Elsa we'll meet her in the morning."

"I'll call her." Michael announced as he walked over to the window where he could get some privacy.


"Hey, Els. I just wanted to let you know that we're at the hotel."

"That's great!"

"It's late right now so we'll see you in the morning, yea?"

"Totally. Can't wait to see you!" Michael cleared his throat. That statement meant a lot more to him than it did to her.

"Yea. I...I can't wait to see you, too."

"I'll text you the address and stuff in the morning! Bye." Michael put his phone into has back pocket and walked over to the boys.

"What'd she say?"

"She'll text me the address in the morning."

"Michael...You're tearing up." Michael rapidly shook his head.

"It's allergy season. My eyes are killing me."

"That's weird. You didn't have allergies last year?" Calum questioned, fully aware that Michael was lying.

"Doesn't matter. Let's just go to bed. We can't really sleep in." Michael hopped into the fluffy hotel sheets and cuddled into them.

"I'll share with Michael." Calum padded over to his bed and climbed under the covers. When all the lights were out and loud snores were heard from the other bed, Calum took the opportunity to have a chat with Michael. "Michael, you awake?"


"Tell me what's really wrong."

"It's just allergies!"

"Stop lying." Calum demanded. "I refuse to sleep until you tell me what's wrong."

"Then I guess you'll be staying up all night." Michael shrugged and closed his eyes again.

"Just tell me, Mike."

"Fine. I don't want her to marry him."

"I knew it." Calum smirked. He was proud of himself that he had called it.

"I don't know what to do."

"It's too late to act on it."

"Fuck. I know." Michael ran his fingers through his hair out of frustration.

"You have to get over her if you want to live, okay?" Michael nodded in response and finally fell asleep.

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