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January 13th 2015

"How're the wedding plans coming along?" Michael was currently FaceTiming with Elsa. He threw away the thoughts of the conversation being awkward and decided to get his best friend back.

"It's going really well! I'm picking out my dress tomorrow with a few of my girlfriends."

"That's cool. What kind of dress are you looking for?"

"I'm not telling you! It's a surprise!"

"Fine, fine. At least tell me the theme colors of the wedding."

"Light purple and faded yellow."

"That sounds pretty." Michael laughed lowly, not necessarily agreeing with the color choices.

"Shut up, Michael."


"You know what. Now stop being a dick."

"I am not a dick!"

"You are! Now tell me how tour has been! When the whole wedding is over, you need to fly me over there so I can meet One Direction."

"We went out to celebrate Zayn's twenty-second birthday."

"Awesome! Where'd you guys go?"

Michael answered hesitantly. "To a strip club?"

"But he has Perrie."

"He knows. But...what's better than a strip club?" Michael shrugged.

"Love. Love is better than a strip club." Elsa spoke as if she were in a daydream.

"You're only saying that because you're getting married in a month."

"Oh my god. It's only a month away. I've been procrastinating so much! I've got to go. I'll talk to you later. Bye!"

Elsa hung up to work on more plans. Michael tossed his phone somewhere on the floor and began writing down every single thing he loved about Elsa. Hearing her talk about Josh all the time made him realize that he loved her. But he didn't just love her. He was in love with her. He hoped writing down all of his feelings would help get them out of his mind.

"Michael!" Luke called from the front of the bus.

"What?" He yelled back. Luke rushed into the back room and sat down next to Michael.

"We have to go shopping for a tux. I looked it up and there are a few places around us. I'll ask the bus driver to stop when we're close to one." Michael nodded and continued writing his list as soon as Luke left the room.

An hour later

"I'm not a professional at this or anything but I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to have sweater paws with a tuxedo." Cal laughed at Ashton who was wearing an adult large when he was an adult medium.

"Do you need any help over here?" A man who was very feminine asked the four boys who were struggling to find the right size.

"We definitely need help."

"You look like a size forty-two long." The man pointed out to Ashton and handed him the correct size. "You look like a fifty regular." The man passed the right size over to Luke. "You're probably a forty-two long." Another tuxedo was passed to Calum. "And you might be a forty-four long." Michael grabbed the right size and followed the other boys into the dressing rooms.

After a few adjustments in sizes, they checked out, each one with a fitted tuxedo.

Two Weeks Later

January 30th 2015

"Two weeks away..." Michael spoke over the phone to Elsa. They had grown close all over again.

"Yep." She whispered. She was becoming even more nervous every day.

"Don't be nervous. It's going to be perfect."

"I don't know, Mike."

"It will be. Stop worrying."

"I can't just stop worrying."

"Why not?!"

"It's not that easy. What if our friends argue or his family objects to the wedding? His mother hates me."

"She has no reason to hate you. You're absolutely perfect." Elsa didn't reply. Had Michael just called her perfect? "Elsa? You still there?"


"Listen, the boys and I aren't touring for the next few weeks so we'll come down early."

"You guys don't have to."

"Oh, shut up. We'll be there to help you out." Michael demanded.

"If you say so. What are you guys doing for the rest of the week?"

"We're recording our second album in the studio."

"You guys should perform at the wedding!"

"I don't know..."

"You have to. I'll set it up with the DJ."

"Okay. We'll find the perfect song."

"Good! I have to go but I'll see you guys in a few days. Bye!"

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