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"Why can't we just have one day where someone's life isn't in danger?" Callum asks
"Apparently not." Rain says
"At least there's no hun- I'm not gonna finish that sentence or they'll magically show up." Skye says
"Did anyone know this was happening?" Rain asks
"I did." Ivory says
"And you didn't tell me?" Rain asks
"I want her to tell you." She says, "I told her to tell you multiple times but she didn't."
"How did she even loose it in the first place?" Rain asks
"She didn't loose it, someone broke it." Ivory says
"Who?" She asks. Ivory glances at Skye.
"Skye's dad." Ivory says
"Why?" Skye asks
"Because she wanted him to sign some things." Ivory says
"Wow, it's true, Ash is an idiot." Skye says
"I would've done something along those lines too." Rain says
"But you would've thought it through." Skye says. Eli appears.
"There's hunters outside." He says. The ground shakes.
"Start a town evacuation." Ivory says, "Our defenses are weak and ill prepared." Eli nods and disappears.
"You guys, get out of here, go through the forest to the closest town." Ivory instructs, "I have to make sure everyone gets out." Rain gets up and walks  down the hall.
"Rain!" Ivory calls, "Rachel!"
"Don't call me Rachel!" She calls
"What are you doing?!"
"Getting Ash!" Ivory groans.
"I'll deal with Rain, you guys, get out."

We sit in Luna, Stella and Ryan's living room. Stella walks in.
"Almost everyone got out of the town safely but it's a little... destroyed." She says
"Did Ash and Rain get out?" Skye asks
"Yeah, they're on their way." Stella says. Skye runs her fingers through her hair making it brown. Her eyes, hair and skin all change colors.
"Uh, is that normal?" Ryan asks
"Sorry, I "chameleon" when I'm stressed or anxious." She stops, her hair and eyes are red and her skin is dark.
"You look like Ash." Luna says
"Are people born with the chameleon effect?" Shelby asks
"Yeah." Skye says, "Well, some people are." Her hair changes color rapidly.
"Sometimes I can't control it." She says, "I can chameleon in a lot of ways most people can't but I also can't always control it." Her hair stops changing.
"Ok, everyone should be safe." Ivory says walking in, Rain follows her, Ash is in her arms.
"Is she gonna be ok?" Skye asks
"I don't know." Rain says. She looks at her.
"Calm down, your eyes are doing the thing." Rain says. She puts Ash down on the couch.
"Pulse, normal. Breathing, normal. Everything, normal." Ivory says, "Except magic levels which are extremely low."
"So when are we gonna go back to the town?" Andy asks
"When the hunters move on." Ivory says, "But I think we might have to move the town."
"And we're gonna do what while they're rebuilding?" Andy asks
"I mean, we can always go back to our hometowns." Rain says, "Not really the most preferable option but we don't have many options."
"We just go back home after we've been been missing for years?" I ask
"Yeah and Eli and I can't go home." Ivory says
"So I guess we'll figure something out."


Andy moves closer to me.
"Calm down." They say, "It's gonna be fine."
"I'm gonna be nice to you real quick so you don't mind the fact that I'm telling you to shut the fuck up because it's gonna be fine." They say, "Anyways, I love you and all that cheesy shit."
"You're really bad at that." I say jokingly
"Yeah, I know." They say, "Also, you're adorable with brown hair and freckles, and just adorable in general." I laugh.
"What's so funny?" They ask
"You're cute when you call things cute." I say, "And when you see puppies."
"They're so small." They say, "And your laugh is adorable too."
"Get some sleep." I say. They lean over, kiss my cheek and lay back down.
"Love ya."
"Love you too." I say

I get up and look at the time. 2:07 am, great. I walk into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror.
"Stop. Changing. Colors." I groan and run my fingers through my hair.
"Purple eyes?" I ask myself. I blink a couple times, nothing happens.
"Damn, am I really stuck with you?" I take off my glasses and put in brown color contacts. Everything starts to blur. I put my glasses back on and it stops. I grab my phone.
"Set a reminder." I say, "Talk to Rain about pulse bands." I head downstairs and look through the cabinets. Scott sits up and looks at me.
"Sorry, I forgot the living room was being used as a bedroom." I say
"It's fine." He says, "I didn't know you wore glasses."
"Only sometimes." I say, "They're not really for sight. I actually have extremely good eyesight. Sorry that I woke you up."
"It's fine." He says, "At least I was the only one you woke up."
"Yeah." I say.
"Your hair is changing colors again." He says
"Damn." I say. I run my fingers through my hair.
"Nothing happened." He says
"Damn, of course it didn't." I say, "My eyes are stuck as purple."
"What color are your eyes?" He asks, "I never exactly looked."
"I have no idea." I say, "I don't know the natural color of my hair or eyes."
"What about when you were born?" He asks, "That sounds personal, sorry."
"It's fine." I say, "I don't know. I remember growing up I had brown hair, brown-ish, gold eyes and kinda, tanned white skin but I don't think that's how I looked when I was born." There's a knock on the door.
"It's two am, who the hell would that be?" I say. I open the door.
"Hey Skye."
"Hey Perra." I say. I close the door.
"What- Why did you close the door on them?" Scott asks
"That's Perra and she's a bitch." I say, "And you can't say otherwise because her name means bitch in Spanish."
"That's an unfortunate thing to be named." He says
"You're Scott from Scotland." I say
"I've heard that so many times." He says. Rain practically runs down the stairs.
"Where's Ivory sleeping?" She asks
"Down the hall, third door on the left." I say, "Why?"
"Something's wrong with Ash."

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