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The doorbell rings.
"Dibs on not getting in!" I call.
"Ryan, answer the door!" Luna calls
"Fine!" I say. I open the door.
"Hello Ryan!"
"Hi Mr and Ms Tenna." I say, "Come in."
"Ryan." Stella waves me into the other room.

"Stall for Rain for a bit?" She asks, "Ivory told me Ash woke up and and Rain is talking to her."
"Why do I have to?" I ask
"Because they actually like you because they think you're straight and cis." She says
"That's about to change." I say. The doorbell rings again.
"Uuuuuggggghhhh." I walk out and open the door.
"Rebecca!" My mom hugs me.
"Mom." I say
"How have you been?" She asks
"Good." I say. My dad looks at me.
"Rebecca." He shakes my hand.
"Dad." I say, "And it's... never mind."
"Hi, you must be Ryan's parents." Rain's mom shakes their hands. Ash, Rain and Skye walk in.
"Rachel, there you are!"
"Dad, it's Rain." She says
"Oh right, sorry." He says, "Ashley." He shakes her hand.
"And it's Ash." Rain says
"Right, sorry." He looks at Skye, "And you are?"
"Dad, this is Skye." Rain says, "She's my daughter."
"Nice to meet you." He says
"Daughter?" Ms Tenna says, "Rain, did you finally get a boyfriend?"
"No, mom, I did not." Rain says between her teeth.
"I am Rain's girlfriend." Ash says, "I'm sure you were aware of that before this pleasant get together." Rain groans.
"Are we gonna do this now?" She asks. Callum walks in and looks at everyone.
"Guys, they're here!" He calls. Everyone else walks in.
"Mom, Dad, this is Callum, Scott, Lizzie, Joel, Yammy, Oli, Shelby, Lauren and Andy." Rain says, "And you know Violet, Ivy, Eli and Ivory."
"Good to see you guys again." Ms Tenna says, "And a pleasure to meet you."
"You too." Lizzie says.
"Ok, dinner's ready." Luna says, "Stella, can you sent the table?" The plates and silverware float over to the table.
"Stella! No casting with guests over!" Luna says
"You wanted me to set the table, I set the table." She says

We sit and eat silently for a couple minutes.
"Rain, have you heard from Lucas lately?" Mr Tenna asks
"Oh my Tsunami, Dad, stop!" Rain says
"What? I'm just saying, he's a very nice boy and he's from a respected family." He says
"Dad, I'm not interested in Lucas." Rain says
"Jonathan, not right now." Ms Tenna says
"What? I'm not doing anything." He says
"You clearly are." Rain mumbles
"I'm just saying-" Rain drops her fork.
"Stop "just saying," Dad, and say it." Rain says, "Say how you wish I would be the daughter you've always wanted. How you with I would wear dresses and curl my hair like I used to when I was younger."
"I don't want to overstep-"
"It's fine, you already have." She says
"Ok, yes, I wish you acted a little more like you did when you were younger." He says, "You wore dresses and played with dolls. You were my little girl."
"You want me to be straight." She says
"I- Yes, I do wish you were straight." Rain sighs and looks at us.
"Will you please give me a moment to speak with my father in private?" We all get up and walk into the other room.


"This is why we don't invite our parents for dinner." Ash says
"Why is it so hard for you to understand?!" Rain shouts, "I don't want you here!"
"Don't raise your voice at me!"
"Don't tell me what to do, you aren't my father!" She shouts
"I raised you!"
"Yeah, for the first ten years of my life before I ran away!" She yells, "Do you ever stop and wonder why I did that?!"
"You're too young to-"
"If you don't like the fact that I like girls, you can leave!" She says, "I didn't want you here anyways." The door opens and closes again.

Rain walks outside, we all watch her though the window. She screams.
"Should we-"
"No, this is her process." Ash says, "She'll start crying in a second, then I go out." She stops screaming.
"Sometimes it starts raining also." Skye says. Ash walks out and sits next to her.
"Ryan, how are you doing with your parents being here?" Ivy asks
"Eh, ok. It's been a while since I've been called by my dead name but I'll get over it." He says, "I'm just gonna go to bed."
"So am I." Skye says. Eventually, we all head upstairs.

"Can you sleep?"
"No." He says, "I'm guessing you can't either."
"Yup." I say
"Andy?" We say at the same time.
"Yeah, this isn't a private chat room." Andy says, "Skye panicked and teleported somewhere and I can't find her."
"Do you know where she would go?" Callum asks
"I have an idea." He says. I get up and walk into the hallway. Andy walks out.
"Sorry for waking you guys up." He whispers, "Or... getting you guys up, I guess."
"It's fine." I say. He takes both of us and teleport.

We appear in the town.
"This way." He says. We follow him down the street into a small house.
"Skye?" He calls
"Skye?" He opens a closet. Skye looks up at him. He sits down next to her.
"What's wrong?" He asks
"I'm terrified." She says, "I know it can't happen but Rain ran away from her parents and they knew where she was. They came back and I'm scared."
"We won't let him find you." Andy says, "He can't get to you, it's fine."
"You guys can go back to the house if you want." Skye looks and Callum and me. We head downstairs and back outside. We walk silently for a couple minutes.
"Hey, there's the house." He says, "The roof is gone."
"It's not that bad, the roof is where I made things awkward." I joke
"You definitely made things awkward but that doesn't mean it was bad." He says. We look at each other, my hand brushes against his.

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