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|Jiyoon's POV|

"Now go and meet him." Mom said as she pushed me.

My eyes widened out of shock as I saw this 'fine young man' she was talking about.

Mom is he the one that you're calling 'future son-in-law?!'

"Jiyoon-ah!" He said as he was waving his hand with a big smile on his face. I walked towards him as I stared at him in awe.

"B-Bin-ah." I stuttered as I took a seat in front of him. "Why do you look so surprised? Is there something on my face?" He asked with a chuckle.

"N-No." I replied as I shook my head. "Where's your mom?" He asked.

Ha! Why are you looking for her?

"Why are you looking for her?" I asked as I narrowed my eyes. "What do you mean? Didn't you know?" He said as he raised his eyebrows.

Of course I know! She said that you're her future son-in-law!

"She said that she's treating me dinner for taking you home safely last night and last last last night. So I just agreed because I don't want to let her down. Coz what if she'll hate me?" He explained.

Treat you dinner? Mom! We'll have a talk later.

"Oh, okay. I understand. Here, thanks for sending me home." I smiled as I gave his jacket back.

Ha! That's why she said that I can give it to him later.

"Wow! It smells so good!" He exclaimed. "Yeah, mom washed it." I replied with a smile.

"Really? Your mom sure is nice." He smiled. "But where is she anyways?" He asked.

*beep* *beep*
I took my phone from my pocket as I read the text.

Mom💓: Jiyoon-ah, in case Bin looks for me, just tell him that I'm busy. Tell him that I just sent you so he won't feel bad.

I scoffed as I looked at it. Busy? Ha!

"Why? Is something wrong?" He asked as he raised his eyebrows. "Oh, nothing. I just came here by myself since mom's kinda busy. She said that she's sorry for being absent." I lied.

Aish! This is driving me nuts! Why did I lie??

"Oh, tell her it's fine. Now, why don't we order something?" He added as he lifted up the menu.

"Here's your order sir." A waiter said as he placed two steaks on our table. Bin and I stared at each other as we looked back to the waiter.

"Excuse me?" We both asked in unison with confused faces.

"A woman in her mid 30's ordered this and she paid for it already." He explained.

"A woman in mid 30's?" We both asked in unison. "Yes. Hope you enjoy your food." He added as he smiled at us.

"Wow! Steak!" We exclaimed in unison as lifted up our forks. We took a bite as our faces were filled with excitement.

"Yummy!" Bin exclaimed as I sent him a thumbs up in reply. "A woman in mid 30's? Is it Mrs. Kim?" He asked as he took another bite.

"She probably ordered for us already since she's not here." I replied as I shrugged. "Bin-ah, I just wanted to ask you."

"About what?" He asked. "About last night. What happened last night?" I asked as I took a sip of my water.

"You don't remember?" He asked as he raised his eyebrows. "All I remember was I slept on the bus. But I wondered why I got on my bed with your jacket wrapped around my body." I explained as I took another bite.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. What? Do you have amnesia to forget what happened?" He asked teasingly.

"Yah! I was in deep sleep you idiot!" I scoffed as I smacked his head.

"Ow! What was that for?" He whined as he rubbed his head. "Amnesia my butt." I replied sarcastically.

"Yah! Thanks to me you got home safely!" He whined as he pointed to me. "You?" I asked as I narrowed my eyes.

"Yes miss. Let me explain to you what happened last night. Sooo, you fell asleep on the bus and I carried you all the way home last night. Then, I laid you on your bed just like what your mother said. Then yeah." He explained.

"What?! C-carry m-me?! Really?!" I asked as I widened my eyes. "T-that's why the scent was so familar, it was you?"

"You're welcome." He replied sarcastically.

"What about Eunwoo?" I asked as I raised my eyebrows out of curiosity.

"Eunwoo? Why are you asking about him out of the blue?" He leaned closer as he asked teasingly.

"A-ah, I-I m-mean H-Hyerim. W-what a-about h-her?" I stuttered as I realized what I did just ask.

"W-why a-are y-you s-stuttering?" He copied me as he asked me teasingly.

"Yah!" I whined as I slapped his arm. "You like him right? He asked as he leaned closer.

"Have you gone mad? W-where did you get that stupid idea?" I scoffed as I looked away from him.

"Jiyoon-ahhh..don't lie. I saw you blushing madly when he grabbed you away from me." He replied teasingly as he poked my shoulder.

"W-why? S-something w-wrong with l-liking s-someone?" I stuttered as I looked back at him.

"Daebak. Are you admitting it?" He said as he had his mouth open.

I lowered my head as I took another bite and ignored him. "Kim Jiyoon. Kim Jiyoon likes someone. Who is iiittt? Her seatmate, Cha Eunwoo. Aigoo.." He smiled teasingly as he ruffled my hair.

"Yah! Can't you shut your mouth?" I furrowed my eyebrows as I faced him.

"Oh right. About your arts project, are you done with Minji?" I asked as I tried to changed the subject.

"Changing topics huh? How smart. Okay, it went well. We're done with it, but she's too annoying. Too much clingy." He replied with a disgusted face.

"Sooo, how about your project with your Prince Charming? Or should I say Mr. Cold Guy?" He teasingly asked as he moved his eyebrows up and down.

"It went well too. Sanha was right, he's not that bad as I think. He's nice and gentle." I replied with a smile as I recalled what happened that time.

"Yah! I didn't ask you to describe him. I asked you how did it go?" He scoffed.

"It went well sir." I replied sarcastically as I sent him a glare.

"Thanks for the reply miss." He said sarcastically as he widened his eyes.

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