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|Jiyoon's POV|

9:10 am

"Mom, I'll be back later. Bye!" I said as I put on my shoes and made my way to the bus station.

I took my phone from my sling bag and dialed Soo-ah's number. "Min Soo-ah, where are you now?" I asked.

"Yah, I've been waiting for you for here for 7 minutes already. Where are you?" She asked with a hint of frustration in her voice.

"Oh sorry, I just overslept. Don't worry I'm almost there." I lied as I got on the bus.

"Okie. Double time girl!" She exclaimed. "Yes ma'am!" I replied and ended the call.


"Yah! What took you so long? I thought you said you were almost here. How come you got here 10 minutes after the call?" She nagged, placing her hands on her hips.

"Uhmm.. actually.. I lied." I stuttered, placing a nervous smile on my face. "I just got on the bus after the call."

"What?!" She asked in disbelief. "You-"

"Come on! You don't want the dresses to be waiting for you right?" I cut her off.

Her expression softened as she replied, "Right. Let's go!" She then placed an excited smile on her face as she hung her arm over my shoulder.


"Jiyoon-ah, which one is better? This one, or this one?" She asked, lifting up a short, royal blue dress on her left hand and a long, white lace dress on the right.

"Why don't you try both?" I suggested.
"Good idea Ji! Wait for me here." She smiled as she entered into the fitting room. I smiled back and sat on a sofa, waiting for her.

Then minutes later, she got out of the fitting room, wearing the royal blue dress while placing her hands on her hips, smiling. "What do you think?" She asked.

"It looks good on you!" I exclaimed, sending her a thumbs up. "You look cute on that dress."

"Really? Thanks! So, I'll just try the other one." I nodded as she went back inside.

I looked to the my left side and saw a familiar guy. "Is that.. Bin?" I mumbled. I squinted my eyes to get a clearer vision when..

"Tadaa!! What do you think?" I jumped on my seat as I looked back at Soo-ah who was wearing now the white lace dress.

"Why do you look so surprised?" She chuckled. "O-oh.. nothing." I stuttered, shaking my head.

"It looks good on you too!" I exclaimed. "Really? If two dresses look good on me, which one should I choose?" She asked.

"Well, this is my own opinion. For me, you look cute on the blue one. For this, you kinda have a sexy vibe." I explained as she burst out laughing.

"What?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. "Nothing. Your words were kinda funny." She chuckled.

"What word? Sexy?" She then bursted out laughing until she was holding her stomach, catching her breath.

I chuckled at her reaction and said, "So for me, you look better on the blue one. It fits your style better."

"Yeah, I think so too. That's why I laughed so hard when you said I kinda have a sexy vibe." She laughed again.

"Okay. Go and change back." She nodded and went back to the fitting room.

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